Santhosh Aparanji

PhD Stdent

Room no : FF-09, #16


Research Topic:

High power fiber lasers / Raman fiber lasers


B.E. in Electronics and Communications Engineering, 2014, PES Institute of Technology, Bangalore



1. V. Balaswamy, S. Aparanji, G. Chayran, and V. R. R. Supradeepa, “Tunable Wavelength, Tunable Linewidth, High Power Ytterbium Doped Fiber Laser,” in 13th International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2016), paper Tu3E.4.

2. S. Aparanji, V. Balaswamy, and V. R. R. Supradeepa, “On the Stability of Raman Fiber Lasers,” in 13th International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2016), paper Th3A.20.

3. S Arun, V Balaswamy, S Aparanji and V R Supradeepa, “High Power, Grating-Free, Cascaded Raman Fiber Lasers” Conference on Lasers and Electro-optics (CLEO) Europe, CJ-2.4, (2017)