Pooyath Lekshmy Venugopalan
PhD (2017)
Phone: +91 8884408988
Linkedin Profile: Lekshmy Venugopalan
Fulbright Nehru Postdoctorol Fellow, University of California, San Diego.
Project Associate, Centre for Nanoscience and Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, (Feb 2011 – Jul 2011).
• Pooyath Lekshmy Venugopalan, Ranajit Sai, Yashoda Chandorkar, Bikramjit Basu, Srinivasrao Shivashankar, Ambarish Ghosh, “ Conformal cytocompatible ferrite coatings facilitate the realization of nanovoyager in human blood” , Nanoletters, 14(4), 1968-1975, 2014.
• Pooyath Lekshmy Venugopalan, Gaurav Gupta, Arijit Ghosh, Haobijam Johnson Singh, Greshma Nair and Ambarish Ghosh, “Study of the formation of Nano Networks in colloidal particles”, International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials,62, 499 – 501, 2013.
• Arijit Ghosh, Debadrita Paria, Haobijam Johnson Singh, Pooyath Lekshmy Venugopalan and Ambarish Ghosh, “Dynamical configurations and Bistability of a helical nanostructures under an external torque”, Physical Review E, 86, 031401, 2012.