B.E. - ECE, College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University, Chennai.
Flexible Electronics / Wearable Electronics / Electronics System Design
Theses Title (Year):
Conformal Electronics on Elastomers: Packaging Methods and Design Rules (2020)
Oppili Prasad, P.Jha, S.S.Pillai, M.Prasad, B.Amrutur and S.Sambandan, “Interconnects on Elastomers: Optimizing for Stretchability, Speed and Layout Area”, IOP Flexible and Printed Electronics, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 045007, 2017.
Conference and Seminars
Oppili Prasad, P.Jha, S.Sambandan and B.Amrutur, “Towards low cost stretchable electronics systems based on toner transfer of copper interconnect patterns onto elastomeric susbtrates”, 2nd IEEE-ICEE, December 2014, Bangalore.
Oppili Prasad, S.S.Pillai and S.Sambandan, “Micro strain and temperature sensors for space applications based on optimized Graphite-PDMS composite”, Proceedings of the IEEE-FLEPS, Glasgow, UK, July 2019. (Received an award- certificate for being shortlisted among top-10 best research papers of the conference).