Powering Electronic Devices Through a Mercury Droplet Researchers at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) have designed a new type of energy harvester that can scavenge electrical energy from weak vibrations. Vibration drives a liquid droplet and the motion of the liquid droplet produces electrical energy which can power portable electronic devices efficiently. Conventional sources of energy are precious and they are getting exhausted at a very rapid pace. Scientists are looking for alternative sources of energy, like solar energy, wind energy, energy from bio waste etc., to replace the conventional sources. “Energy harvesting” is the conversion of unusual forms of energy, like heat, wind, vibration etc., which are otherwise wasted, into some usable form of energy. Efficient energy harvesting is the key to addressing our ever-increasing energy problem. |
A low cost, low power soil moisture sensor Researchers at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in collaboration with IIT Bombay, have come up with a low cost, low power soil moisture sensor that can accurately determine the water content of soil. Soil moisture plays a critical role in maintaining the overall balance of the Earth. It directly influences long-term climatic conditions like hydrological process and drought development. On much shorter time scales, it acts as a carrier of nutrients to plant's roots, and helps sustain life on Earth. In fact, in 2010, soil moisture was recognised as an Essential Climate Variable. |
Lab Story: Imitating nature’s nano-machines: Optics, Nanostructures and Quantum fluids Lab In 1959, physicist Richard Feynman, in his talk “There’s plenty of room at the bottom”, envisioned a future where we could engineer materials and devices from bottom up, by directly manipulating individual atoms. This field is now known as Nanotechnology. It involves developing devices and materials on a nanoscale, which is a just a billionth of a metre, a concept that nature seems to have perfected. |
This Ultralight Foam Might Save Your Life Nitrogen dioxide is toxic to humans when inhaled. Unfortunately, our noses get anaesthetised when exposed to low levels of nitrogen dioxide. This prevents us from sensing the otherwise acrid gas, creating a possibility for overexposure with harmful effects on health. This may lead to poisoning of the lung, which in some cases might prove to be fatal. Nitrogen dioxide is a reddish-brown gas found where fossil fuels are utilised as an energy source. The elevated temperatures during combustion cause the nitrogen in the atmosphere to react with oxygen to form nitrogen dioxide. Since we use fossil fuels every single day, nitrogen dioxide detectors are vital for monitoring the levels of the gas in the ambient air. |
A path-breaking innovation ‘etched in stone’ Inside every smart device you use, there are components that used to be bigger just a few years ago. Crucial to the speed and utility of your smartphone or tab is a tiny chip made of different semiconductor materials, onto which tens of thousands of circuits are etched using rather complex methods. A new path-breaking innovation will change how this 'circuit-world' is built. A team from the Indian Institute of Science has developed a method that could be a game-changer in the semiconductor industry. It will mean faster, cheaper, more efficient patterning of nano-sized circuits at room temperature and ambient conditions; and it does not require chemicals that can harm the environment. |
An antibacterial water purification membrane resistant to slime Scientists at IISc have designed a membrane which can remove bacterial contamination from water, while at the same time preventing biofouling, or the accumulation of micro-organisms on the membrane. |
Technology transfers from a lab in CeNSE, IISc Designing the world’s smallest speakers that are inspired by the chirping of crickets, writing some of the tiniest metal patterns in a frugal way and mechanically detecting cancer in living cells are some of the most exciting technology transfers brewing from one lab in the Centre for Nanoscience and Technology, Indian Institute of Science. |
A REACTOR TO PRODUCE GRAPHENE, MADE IN INDIA Indian Institute of Science and KAS Tech have together developed India's first commercially available, graphene producing system. The Centre for Nano Science and Engineering (CeNSE), IISc developed the technology, and working together with KAS Tech, a Bengaluru based manufacturing company, they transformed the lab prototype into a commercial product. The product was launched during the recently held Bangalore INDIA NANO. |
SCIENTISTS USE A SWEETENER TO MAKE MATERIALS FOR BONE RECONSTRUCTION A team of researchers from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, has developed a novel polymer that can accelerate healing of bone fractures. Dr. Kaushik Chatterjee, Assistant Professor in the Department of Materials Engineering in collaboration with Professor Giridhar Madras from Chemical Engineering at IISc are working on developing polymers that can serve as templates to facilitate bone growth. The team is working on developing maltitol-based biodegradable polyesters for accelerated healing. |
On aircraft display systems, microsensors and scientific networking Last week, on the 20th of August, Prof S Mohan received the Academy Excellence Award from Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi at a function organized by the Defence Research Development Organisation (DRDO) in New Delhi. The award is a fitting recognition for his sustained contributions to innovative technologies for a variety of applications at the DRDO, from display systems in combat aircrafts to micro sensors deployed on defence personnel. We decided to talk to him about his three decade long involvement with the mammoth organization. |
NEMS Lab / Micro and Nano Sensors Lab
The Micro and Nano Sensors Lab focuses on physics and applications of Nanoelectromechanical Systems (NEMS). Activities of this lab include fabrication of resonant NEMS devices with frequencies in VHF and UHF ranges, novel actuation and detection schemes at these frequencies and nano-dimensions, study of noise processes that govern the frequency stability of these ultra-sensitive devices and their utility in various applications including NEMS mass spectrometery and gas sensing. Facilities include a NEMS-based mass spectrometery system, two closed cycle cryostats capable of reaching below 10K, an ultra-high vacuum system to probe frequency noise in NEMS devices and electrical characterization equipment including spectrum analyzers and microwave signal sources.
Bio Sensors Lab
Focuses on developing low-cost biosensors for various bioanalytes of interest. Involves study of various surface modification methodologies. Facilities include electrochemical workstation, chemical synthesis equipment, equipment for processing biomolecules.
Design and development of MEMS inertial sensors, MEMS microphones, capacitive and peizoelectric ultrasound transducers (CMUTs and PMUTs), suspended gate FET-coupled MEMS sensors, all-optical actuation and sensing MEMS, study of energy dissipation in micro and nanoscale structural vibrations, study of microscale biosensors in insects, haltere dynamics, and cell dynamics. Facilities include experimental measurement tools for subnanoscale vibrations, angular rate measurements, ultrasound transmitters and receivers, and optical imaging, including high speed videography.
Biophotonics and Bioengineering
Our work follows two themes. One is the development of sensors to sense various molecules (molecular sensors) for bio/chemical applications and the other is to understand the molecular sensing process in terms of robustness to interference or perturbation. The robustness often emerges as a consequence of complexity in sensor design and/or in sensory signal processing. Examples of complexity in sensor design could be our olfactory receptors which enable our sense of smell or the signalling cascades employed by immune cells in our body to identify infective pathogens. We are interested in understanding the performance limits of molecular sensing, i.e. limits of sensitivity, accuracy, tolerance to interference and so on.
Optics, Nanostructures and Quantum Fluids
Study of optical and hydrodynamic properties of nanostructured particles and films, with emphasis on developing nanoscale drug delivery vehicles and nanoplasmonic sensors for biological applications. Facilities include nanostructured thin film fabrication system, optical microscope, and various optical characterization tools.
Gas Sensors Lab
The Lab has facilities to characterize sensors employing different concentrations of gases – both inorganic and volatile organics – from ppb (~1) to ppm (>10,000); an IR camera to study the thermal morphology of microheaters; a microdispenser to dispense a desired amount of an analyte (solution) with a 20 μm spatial resolution. The lab also has the facility to fabricate sputtering targets of sensor materials.
Functional Thin Films Lab
The lab conducts investigations on influence of process parameters on the structure and properties of functional thin films, leading to the development of micro and nano sensors and actuators. Faciltiies include evaporation, sputtering and ion beam systems, designed and fabricated for specific requirements.
Photovoltaics and Energy Lab
The lab is primarily designed to fabricate various types of photovoltaic devices. The lab also shares the workload of the National Nano Fabrication Facility.
Polymer Process Lab
The lab specializes in microwavebased chemical synthesis, wet-etching, chemical processing, electrochemical characterization, organic electronics, and thin-film batteries.
Non-linear Photonics and High Power Lasers Lab
This laboratory focuses on development of novel optical sources and processing technologies for varied applications from optical communications, sensing and biomedical imaging to high power industrial and defense lasers. Fundamental research on non-linear optics in guided-wave devices, an enabler for many of the novel laser technologies, is also undertaken.
Neuro-Electronics Lab
The research emphasis is on interfacing neurons of the brain with electronic devices. The broad aim is to understand how learning takes place in biological neuronal networks using electrical and optical recording and stimulation, and to utilize it for robotic control. Facilities available are: nanofabrication of multi-electrode arrays, tissue culture laboratory for neuronal culture, electrophysiology rigs for multi-electrode array recording with feedback control, an electronics lab bench, high-end microscopes with fast fluorescence imaging and optical stimulation of neurons using a femto-second laser.
Heterojunction Lab
This laboratory conducts research in design, fabrication and characterization of novel electronic devices. The focus is on integrating different semiconductor materials with each other, e.g. silicon with metal-oxides or germanium to silicon. Such heterogenous integration introduces novel functionality and improves performance for the next generation of electronic devices.
Photonics Research Laboratory is a dedicated characterization facility for integrated photonic devices and circuits. The primary focus of the lab is to develop high-speed integrated photonic devices for next-generation computing and communication. The lab houses a comprehensive high-speed electro-optic testbed for characterizing bandwidth of discrete devices such as Wavelength filters, light modulators, photodetectors, and amplifiers in the O, C, and L bands. The device and circuits developed are tested using a custom developed vertical and horizontal optical probe station. Research in the lab is also aimed at exploiting the photonic circuit for on-chip gas and biosensors. Spectrometers spanning from visible to Near-IR are used to develop such on-chip sensors.
CeNSE works with several hazardous materials and equipment. We operate with considerable autonomy, so it our responsibility to maintain the highest levels of safety. Furthermore, safety is an important part of any training in nanoelectronics. Potential job givers, be it industry or academia, expect a certain awareness about safety. This is especially true for leadership positions where project managers are responsible for the safety of their whole group. Remember, at CeNSE, it is always Safety First.
The four essential principles of safety are:
Safety may mean different things to different people. To prevent confusion, we institute policies that clearly define standards for safe work practices. These rules need to be followed in letter and spirit, even if they appear burdensome or pointless. Trust us, there is a reason for everything. DO THINGS THE RIGHT WAY, NOT THE QUICK WAY.
Everyone is personally responsible for safety. Be a good citizen. Highlight hazards using labels, notices and signage, so that other are adequately warned. Act responsibly in the event of an accident. Confront unsafe behaviour, even if it is uncomfortable to do so. SAFETY IS EVERYONE’S RESPONSIBLITY.
No matter how careful they are, people make mistakes. An effective safety policy does not rely on people to be “careful” but relies on systems to reduce the probability of accidents. Prior to beginning any project, think about all the things that can go wrong. Focus should be on reducing the probability of hazards, even the improbable ones, by intelligently designed precautions. Seek solutions that are “idiot-proof”.
In case of an emergency, everyone must respond quickly and effectively. Be familiar with fire exits, assembly points, fire alarms, fire extinguishers, eyewash stations, safety showers, spill kits, and first aid boxes. Just a few moments of preparation could save a life during an emergency.
In case of confusion please refer to the CENSE safety manual. For any clarification, feel free to drop an email to safety.cense@iisc.ac.in. Be safe.