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Powering Electronic Devices Through a Mercury Droplet

Researchers at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) have designed a new type of energy harvester that can scavenge electrical energy from weak vibrations. Vibration drives a liquid droplet and the motion of the liquid droplet produces electrical energy which can power portable electronic devices efficiently.

Conventional sources of energy are precious and they are getting exhausted at a very rapid pace. Scientists are looking for alternative sources of energy, like solar energy, wind energy, energy from bio waste etc., to replace the conventional sources. “Energy harvesting” is the conversion of unusual forms of energy, like heat, wind, vibration etc., which are otherwise wasted, into some usable form of energy. Efficient energy harvesting is the key to addressing our ever-increasing energy problem.

A low cost, low power soil moisture sensor

Researchers at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in collaboration with IIT Bombay, have come up with a low cost, low power soil moisture sensor that can accurately determine the water content of soil.

Soil moisture plays a critical role in maintaining the overall balance of the Earth. It directly influences long-term climatic conditions like hydrological process and drought development. On much shorter time scales, it acts as a carrier of nutrients to plant's roots, and helps sustain life on Earth. In fact, in 2010, soil moisture was recognised as an Essential Climate Variable.

Lab Story: Imitating nature’s nano-machines: Optics, Nanostructures and Quantum fluids Lab

In 1959, physicist Richard Feynman, in his talk “There’s plenty of room at the bottom”, envisioned a future where we could engineer materials and devices from bottom up, by directly manipulating individual atoms. This field is now known as Nanotechnology. It involves developing devices and materials on a nanoscale, which is a just a billionth of a metre, a concept that nature seems to have perfected.

This Ultralight Foam Might Save Your Life

Nitrogen dioxide is toxic to humans when inhaled. Unfortunately, our noses get anaesthetised when exposed to low levels of nitrogen dioxide. This prevents us from sensing the otherwise acrid gas, creating a possibility for overexposure with harmful effects on health. This may lead to poisoning of the lung, which in some cases might prove to be fatal.

Nitrogen dioxide is a reddish-brown gas found where fossil fuels are utilised as an energy source. The elevated temperatures during combustion cause the nitrogen in the atmosphere to react with oxygen to form nitrogen dioxide. Since we use fossil fuels every single day, nitrogen dioxide detectors are vital for monitoring the levels of the gas in the ambient air.

A path-breaking innovation ‘etched in stone’

Inside every smart device you use, there are components that used to be bigger just a few years ago. Crucial to the speed and utility of your smartphone or tab is a tiny chip made of different semiconductor materials, onto which tens of thousands of circuits are etched using rather complex methods. A new path-breaking innovation will change how this 'circuit-world' is built. A team from the Indian Institute of Science has developed a method that could be a game-changer in the semiconductor industry. It will mean faster, cheaper, more efficient patterning of nano-sized circuits at room temperature and ambient conditions; and it does not require chemicals that can harm the environment.

An antibacterial water purification membrane resistant to slime

Scientists at IISc have designed a membrane which can remove bacterial contamination from water, while at the same time preventing biofouling, or the accumulation of micro-organisms on the membrane.

Technology transfers from a lab in CeNSE, IISc

Designing the world’s smallest speakers that are inspired by the chirping of crickets, writing some of the tiniest metal patterns in a frugal way and mechanically detecting cancer in living cells are some of the most exciting technology transfers brewing from one lab in the Centre for Nanoscience and Technology, Indian Institute of Science.


Indian Institute of Science and KAS Tech have together developed India's first commercially available,  graphene producing system. The  Centre for Nano Science and Engineering (CeNSE), IISc developed the technology, and working together with KAS Tech, a Bengaluru based manufacturing company, they transformed the lab prototype into a commercial product. The product was launched during the recently held Bangalore INDIA NANO.


A team of researchers from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, has developed a novel polymer that can accelerate healing of bone fractures. Dr. Kaushik Chatterjee, Assistant Professor in the Department of Materials Engineering in collaboration with Professor Giridhar Madras from Chemical Engineering at IISc are working on developing polymers that can serve as templates to facilitate bone growth. The team is working on developing maltitol-based biodegradable polyesters for accelerated healing.

On aircraft display systems, microsensors and scientific networking

Last week, on the 20th of August, Prof S Mohan received the Academy Excellence Award from Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi at a function organized by the Defence Research Development Organisation (DRDO) in New Delhi. The award is a fitting recognition for his sustained contributions to innovative technologies for a variety of applications at the DRDO, from display systems in combat aircrafts to micro sensors deployed on defence personnel. We decided to talk to him about his three decade long involvement with the mammoth organization.

NEMS Lab / Micro and Nano Sensors Lab

The Micro and Nano Sensors Lab focuses on physics and applications of Nanoelectromechanical Systems (NEMS). Activities of this lab include fabrication of resonant NEMS devices with frequencies in VHF and UHF ranges, novel actuation and detection schemes at these frequencies and nano-dimensions, study of noise processes that govern the frequency stability of these ultra-sensitive devices and their utility in various applications including NEMS mass spectrometery and gas sensing. Facilities include a NEMS-based mass spectrometery system, two closed cycle cryostats capable of reaching below 10K, an ultra-high vacuum system to probe frequency noise in NEMS devices and electrical characterization equipment including spectrum analyzers and microwave signal sources.

Bio Sensors Lab

Focuses on developing low-cost biosensors for various bioanalytes of interest. Involves study of various surface modification methodologies. Facilities include electrochemical workstation, chemical synthesis equipment, equipment for processing biomolecules.


Design and development of MEMS inertial sensors, MEMS microphones, capacitive and peizoelectric ultrasound transducers (CMUTs and PMUTs), suspended gate FET-coupled MEMS sensors, all-optical actuation and sensing MEMS, study of energy dissipation in micro and nanoscale structural vibrations, study of microscale biosensors in insects, haltere dynamics, and cell dynamics. Facilities include experimental measurement tools for subnanoscale vibrations, angular rate measurements, ultrasound transmitters and receivers, and optical imaging, including high speed videography.

Biophotonics and Bioengineering

Our work follows two themes. One is the development of sensors to sense various molecules (molecular sensors) for bio/chemical applications and the other is to understand the molecular sensing process in terms of robustness to interference or perturbation. The robustness often emerges as a consequence of complexity in sensor design and/or in sensory signal processing. Examples of complexity in sensor design could be our olfactory receptors which enable our sense of smell or the signalling cascades employed by immune cells in our body to identify infective pathogens. We are interested in understanding the performance limits of molecular sensing, i.e. limits of sensitivity, accuracy, tolerance to interference and so on.

Optics, Nanostructures and Quantum Fluids

Study of optical and hydrodynamic properties of nanostructured particles and films, with emphasis on developing nanoscale drug delivery vehicles and nanoplasmonic sensors for biological applications. Facilities include nanostructured thin film fabrication system, optical microscope, and various optical characterization tools.

Gas Sensors Lab

The Lab has facilities to characterize sensors employing different concentrations of gases – both inorganic and volatile organics – from ppb (~1) to ppm (>10,000); an IR camera to study the thermal morphology of microheaters; a microdispenser to dispense a desired amount of an analyte (solution) with a 20 μm spatial resolution. The lab also has the facility to fabricate sputtering targets of sensor materials.

Functional Thin Films Lab

The lab conducts investigations on influence of process parameters on the structure and properties of functional thin films, leading to the development of micro and nano sensors and actuators. Faciltiies include evaporation, sputtering and ion beam systems, designed and fabricated for specific requirements.

Photovoltaics and Energy Lab

The lab is primarily designed to fabricate various types of photovoltaic devices. The lab also shares the workload of the National Nano Fabrication Facility.

Polymer Process Lab

The lab specializes in microwavebased chemical synthesis, wet-etching, chemical processing, electrochemical characterization, organic electronics, and thin-film batteries.

Non-linear Photonics and High Power Lasers Lab

This laboratory focuses on development of novel optical sources and processing technologies for varied applications from optical communications, sensing and biomedical imaging to high power industrial and defense lasers. Fundamental research on non-linear optics in guided-wave devices, an enabler for many of the novel laser technologies, is also undertaken.

Neuro-Electronics Lab

The research emphasis is on interfacing neurons of the brain with electronic devices. The broad aim is to understand how learning takes place in biological neuronal networks using electrical and optical recording and stimulation, and to utilize it for robotic control. Facilities available are: nanofabrication of multi-electrode arrays, tissue culture laboratory for neuronal culture, electrophysiology rigs for multi-electrode array recording with feedback control, an electronics lab bench, high-end microscopes with fast fluorescence imaging and optical stimulation of neurons using a femto-second laser.

Heterojunction Lab

This laboratory conducts research in design, fabrication and characterization of novel electronic devices. The focus is on integrating different semiconductor materials with each other, e.g. silicon with metal-oxides or germanium to silicon. Such heterogenous integration introduces novel functionality and improves performance for the next generation of electronic devices.


Photonics Research Laboratory is a dedicated characterization facility for integrated photonic devices and circuits. The primary focus of the lab is to develop high-speed integrated photonic devices for next-generation computing and communication. The lab houses a comprehensive high-speed electro-optic testbed for characterizing bandwidth of discrete devices such as Wavelength filters, light modulators, photodetectors, and amplifiers in the O, C, and L bands. The device and circuits developed are tested using a custom developed vertical and horizontal optical probe station. Research in the lab is also aimed at exploiting the photonic circuit for on-chip gas and biosensors. Spectrometers spanning from visible to Near-IR are used to develop such on-chip sensors.

A key goal at CeNSE is to drive the development of technology from advances in science and engineering research carried out in the department. Being a young department, this effort is still in nascent stages, however, there have already been several examples and in this page we list a few of them.


  1. Jain P, Gupta G, Kwon H-K, Vukasin GD, Chandorkar SA. Machine Learning Based Nonlinear Resonator System Identification. In 2024 IEEE 37th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS). IEEE; 2024.
  2. Dash S, Goswami A, Deheri R, Avasthi S, Supradeepa VR. Multi-point thermal monitoring of silicon wafer under processing utilizing a spectrally shaped supercontinuum source. In High-Power Laser Materials Processing: Applications, Diagnostics, and Systems XIII [Internet]. SPIE; 2024.
  3. Sharma KSandeep, TS ARaman, Pillai G, . Temperature and Bias-Dependent Switchability and Tuneability of Very High-Quality Factor GHz Resonators. In 2024 IEEE 37th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS). IEEE; 2024.
  4. Goswami A, Dash S, Deheri R, Supradeepa VR. Widely tunable visible pulsed cascaded Raman fiber laser source. In Nonlinear Frequency Generation and Conversion: Materials and Devices XXIII [Internet]. SPIE; 2024.
  5. Javed N, Kumar A, Tiwari S, Pratap R, Pillai G. Dummy device-based feedthrough cancellation for PZT on Silicon microcantilever for viscosity sensing. In 2024 8th IEEE Electron Devices Technology & Manufacturing Conference (EDTM). IEEE; 2024.
  6. Dash S, Deheri R, Supradeepa VR. Linewidth control of cascaded Raman fiber lasers and visible conversion. In Fiber Lasers XXI: Technology and Systems [Internet]. SPIE; 2024.
  7. Lakshmi CG, Supradeepa VR. A novel detection mechanism for nonlinear distortions in ultrashort pulses transmitted through dynamic fiber optic links. In Frontiers in Ultrafast Optics: Biomedical, Scientific, and Industrial Applications XXIV [Internet]. SPIE; 2024.
  8. Kumar P, Sahana D, Chandrashekar LN, Jeyaseelan A, Nayak MM, Pratap R, et al. A Wide-Range Resonant Pressure Sensor With Enhanced Sensitivity Based On An Indirect Coupling Scheme. In 2024 IEEE 37th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS). IEEE; 2024.
  9. Arora N, Singh P, Kumar R, Pratap R, Naik A. Mixed Nonlinear Response and Transition of Nonlinearity in a Piezoelectric Membrane. ACS Applied Electronic Materials [Internet]. 2024;6:155–162.
  10. Lathia R, Deshmukh P, Vinaya V, Sen P. Coalescence of liquid marbles on oil-infused surface. Physics of Fluids [Internet]. 2024;36.
  11. Dash RK, Selvaraja SKumar. Passive wavelength selective polarization rotator in a hybrid waveguide platform. Optics Express [Internet]. 2024;32:13035–13047.
  12. Dash RK, Selvaraja SKumar. Sandwiched hybrid waveguide platform for integrated photonics application. Optics Communications [Internet]. 2024;550:129959.
  13. Paramanick A, Roy K, Paul S, Kumar A, Ashok A, Pratap R, et al. Seeing Beyond: The Future of Photoacoustic Imaging with Single-element, Low-frequency Thin-film PMUT. IEEE Sensors Letters. 2024;.
  14. Khandelwal U, Sandilya RSatya, Rai RKumar, Sharma D, Mahapatra SRekha, Mondal D, et al. Large electro-opto-mechanical coupling in VO2 neuristors. Applied Physics Reviews [Internet]. 2024;11.


  1. Reddy BSankar, Modak CDey, Lathia R, Agarwal B, Sen P, . Direct Patterning on Porous Surface Using Drop Impact Printing. In 2023 IEEE 36th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS). IEEE; 2023.
  2. Lathia R, Reddy BSankar, Modak CDey, Nagpal S, Sen P. Temperature-Responsive Microcapsules Manufactured by Promoting Controlled Cloaking with the Help of Micro/Nanoparticles. In 2023 IEEE 36th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS). IEEE; 2023.
  3. Paramanick A, Roy K, Samanta D, Aiswarya KS, Pratap R, M Singh S. Image quality enhancement of PMUT-based photoacoustic imaging. In Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2023 [Internet]. SPIE; 2023.
  4. Nukala P, Rao A, Sanjay S, Ahmadi M, Venugopalrao A, Bhat N, et al. Realizing neuromorphic networks at self-organized criticality on a 2D hexagonal BN platform. [Internet]. 2023;.
  5. Bhosale KS, Zope AA, Pillai G, Li S-S. Tiny-Gap Titanium-Nitride-Composite MEMS Resonator Designs With High Power Handling Capability. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems. 2023;.
  6. Baby R, Reshma K, Chandrasekar H, Muralidharan R, Raghavan S, Nath DN. Study of TaN-gated p-GaN E-mode HEMT. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. 2023;70:1607–1612.
  7. Lathia R, Nampoothiri KNarayanan, Sagar N, Bansal S, Modak CDey, Sen P. Advances in Microscale Droplet Generation and Manipulation. Langmuir [Internet]. 2023;.
  8. Gowrisankar A, Charan VSai, Chandrasekar H, Venugopalarao A, Muralidharan R, Raghavan S, et al. Compensation Dopant-Free GaN-on-Si HEMTs With a Polarization Engineered Buffer for RF Applications. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. 2023;.
  9. Pradhan D, Neeramoole S, Yadav N, Ghosh A. Using a cylindrical piezoelectric transducer to focus ultrasound in superfluid helium. The European Physical Journal Special Topics. 2023;:1–7.


  1. Rathkanthiwar S, Nath D, Raghavan S, Selvaraja SKumar, . GaN-on-Sapphire Photonic Circuit with Polarization Independent Grating Coupler at 1550 nm. In Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics. Optica Publishing Group; 2022.
  2. Chang C-Y, Pillai G, Li S-S. Phase Noise Optimization of Piezoelectric Bulk Mode MEMS Oscillators Based on Phase Feedback in Secondary Loop. In 2022 IEEE 35th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Conference (MEMS). IEEE; 2022.
  3. Patil G, Ghosh A. Analysing the motion of scallop-like swimmers in a noisy environment. The European Physical Journal Special Topics. 2022;:1–7.
  4. Shastri V, Majumder S, Ashok A, Roy K, Pratap R, Kumar P. Electric current-assisted manipulation of liquid metals using a stylus at micro-and nano-scales. Nanotechnology. 2022;.
  5. Suri P, Deshpande P, Ghosh A. Characterization of monolayer WSe2 sandwiched in a hetero-plasmonic dimer. Nano Express. 2022;3:045001.
  6. Lathia R, Sen P. Sol-gel-derived nanoparticles coated liquid entities: liquid marbles, liquid plasticine, and flat interface. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. 2022;.
  7. P MSajeer, Varma MM. Exploring electric field sensing for solid-state nanopores. arXiv e-prints. 2022;:arXiv–2210.
  8. Yarajena SSaraswathi, Naik AK. Nano Flex Screen Protectors for 2D Material Piezotronics. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology. 2022;.
  9. Choudhury S, Joshi A, Dasgupta D, Ghosh A, Asthana S, Chatterjee K. 4D Printed Biocompatible Magnetic Composite for Minimally Invasive Deployable Structures. 2022;.
  10. Rao A, Sanjay S, Ahmadi M, Venugopalrao A, Bhat N, Kooi B, et al. Self-assembled neuromorphic networks at self-organized criticality in Ag-hBN platform. arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.01619 [Internet]. 2022;.
  11. Roy K, Paramanik A, Paul S, Kalyan A, Sarkar E, Ashok A, et al. Photoacoustic Image Quality Improvement from a Single Cell Low Frequency PMUT. arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.17145 [Internet]. 2022;.
  12. Sharma KSandeep, Jen H-T, Li S-S, Pillai G. Investigation of support transducer enabled higher-order radial bulk mode MEMS resonator and low phase noise oscillator. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. 2022;32:084004.
  13. Prakash P, Varma M. A Pedagogical Introduction to Biomarker Detection in Surface-Based Biosensors. Journal of Chemical Education [Internet]. 2022;99:3694–3701.
  14. Li S-S, Ganesh RHosur, Pillai G, Chien-Hao WENG. Acceleration sensing structure and accelerometer. 2022.


  1. Singh S, Selvaraja SKumar. Sputter-deposited PZT-on-Silicon electro-optic modulator. In 2021 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC). IEEE; 2021.
  2. Singh J, Sharma V, Chandorkar S, Sen P. Bacterial Force on Nanopillars: Interaction at Single Cell. In 2021 21st International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers). IEEE; 2021.
  3. Roy K, Ashok A, Kalyan K, Shastri V, Jeyaseelan A, Nayak MM, et al. Towards the development of backing layer for piezoelectric micromachined ultrasound transducers. In Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2021 [Internet]. International Society for Optics and Photonics; 2021.
  4. Kallega R, Shekhawat R, Udaya RK, Kuruppannan R, Selvaraja SKumar. Controlled phase change of GST-on-SOI for photonic neuromorphic application. In 2021 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC). IEEE; 2021.
  5. Roy K, Thomas A, Paul S, Ashok A, Shastri V, Kalyan K, et al. An optofluidic dye concentration detector based on the pulsed photoacoustic effect. In Microfluidics, BioMEMS, and Medical Microsystems XIX [Internet]. International Society for Optics and Photonics; 2021.
  6. Sharma A, Bhargav G, Kaushal A, Bhat KN, Ghosh A. Direct laser writing on silicon surface for large area nanoplasmonic devices. In Novel Patterning Technologies 2021 [Internet]. International Society for Optics and Photonics; 2021.
  7. Prakash R, Vikram BS, Supradeepa VR. Polarization maintaining, narrow linewidth fiber laser with> 1kW output power using a novel dual sine and noise modulation for enhanced SBS suppression. In Fiber Lasers XVIII: Technology and Systems [Internet]. International Society for Optics and Photonics; 2021.
  8. Saini TSingh, Arora S, Supradeepa VR. Mid-infrared wavelength conversion using a composite Si3N4-HfO2 waveguide device. In Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XXV [Internet]. International Society for Optics and Photonics; 2021.
  9. Roy K, Kalyan K, Ashok A, Shastri V, Pratap R. Development of Frequency Tunable Fluid Loaded PMUTs. In 2021 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS) [Internet]. IEEE; 2021. 10.1109/IUS52206.2021.9593352
  10. Roy K, Kalyan K, Ashok A, Shastri V, Pratap R. A Pmut Integrated Microfluidic System for Volumetric Flow Rate Sensing. In 2021 21st International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers). IEEE; 2021.
  11. Sasikumar H, Varma M. Quality-Quantity Trade-offs in Tests for Management of COVID-19-like Epidemics. arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.08591. 2021;.
  12. Nittala PVamsi Kris, Haridas K, Nigam S, Tasneem S, Sen P. Characterization and optimization of bonding and interconnect technology for 3D stacking thin dies. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, Nanotechnology and Microelectronics: Materials, Processing, Measurement, and Phenomena. 2021;39:052207.
  13. Arora N, Naik AK. Effect of internal resonance on the dynamics of MoS2 resonator. arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.10384. 2021;.
  14. Sanjay S, Kolla LGanapathi, Varrla E, Bhat N. Performance tunability of field-effect transistors using MoS2 (1-x) Se2x alloys. Nanotechnology. 2021;.
  15. Duraiswamy P, Selvaraja SKumar. Phase-orthogonal FIR filter based reactive power measurement for power meters. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing. 2021;:1–6.
  16. Ninawe A, Suri P, Xie Z, Xu X, Ghosh A. Chiro-optical response of a wafer scale metamaterial with ellipsoidal metal nanoparticles. Nanotechnology. 2021;32:315705.
  17. Lathia R, Sen P. Fabrication of Self-Sealed Circular Microfluidic Channels in Glass by Thermal Blowing Method. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems. 2021;.
  18. Ghosh A, Ghosh A. Mapping Viscoelastic Properties Using Helical Magnetic Nanopropellers. Transactions of the Indian National Academy of Engineering. 2021;6:429–438.
  19. Choudhury V, Aparanji S, Prakash R, Balaswamy V, Supradeepa VR. Visible light flashes induced by pulsed stimulated Brillouin scattering in narrow-linewidth, high-power, near-IR fiber lasers. Journal of Optics. 2021;23:075501.
  20. Chakrabortty T, Varma MM. Fundamental limits of accuracy and precision in single molecule biosensors. arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.03364. 2021;.
  21. Nampoothiri KNarayanan, Sen P. Motion of Generated Dumbbell-Shaped Satellite Droplets during Liquid Dielectrophoresis. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. 2021;.
  22. Roy K, Kalyan K, Ashok A, Shastri V, Jeyaseelan A, Mandal A, et al. A PMUT Integrated Microfluidic System for Fluid Density Sensing. arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.11793. 2021;.
  23. Subhani KNizammuddi, Remesh N, Niranjan S, Raghavan S, Muralidharan R, Nath DN, et al. Nitrogen rich PECVD Silicon Nitride for passivation of Si and AlGaN/GaN HEMT devices. Solid-State Electronics [Internet]. 2021;:108188.
  24. Ramachandran RVasantha, Bhat R, Saini DKumar, Ghosh A. Theragnostic nanomotors: Successes and upcoming challenges. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology [Internet]. 2021;:e1736.
  25. Kalkal A, Kadian S, Kumar S, Manik G, Sen P, Kumar S, et al. Ti3C2-MXene decorated with nanostructured silver as a dual-energy acceptor for the fluorometric Neuron Specific Enolase detection. Biosensors and Bioelectronics [Internet]. 2021;:113620.
  26. Kumar A, Nambiar S, Kallega R, Ranganath P, Ea P, Selvaraja SKumar. High-efficiency vertical fibre-to-polymer waveguide coupling scheme for scalable polymer photonic circuits. Optics Express. 2021;29:9699–9710.
  27. Mohta N, Rao A, Remesh N, Muralidharan R, Nath DN. An artificial synaptic transistor using an α-In 2 Se 3 van der Waals ferroelectric channel for pattern recognition. RSC Advances. 2021;11:36901–36912.
  28. Sakhuja N, Jha R, Bhat N. Facile green synthesis of 2D hexagonal MoO3 for selective detection of ammonia at room temperature. Materials Science and Engineering: B [Internet]. 2021;271:115249.
  29. Nayak B, Gupta H, Roy K, Ashok A, Shastri V, Pratap R. An Experimental Study of the Acoustic Field of a Single-Cell Piezoelectric Micromachined Ultrasound Transducer (PMUT). arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.04660. 2021;.
  30. Kumar V, G Saravanan S, Duraiswamy P, Selvaraja SKumar. Single Stage Low Noise Inductor-Less TIA for RF Over Fiber Communication. IEEE Access. 2021;9:141504–141512.
  31. Pradhan DKumar, Yadav N, Rath PKishore, Ghosh A. Trapping Multielectron Bubbles Using a Point Paul Trap. Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 2021;:1–8.
  32. Gupta A, Sakhuja N, Jha RKumar, Bhat N. Ultrasensitive chemiresistive humidity sensor based on gold functionalized WS2 nanosheets. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical [Internet]. 2021;331:113008.
  33. Yadav N, Sen P, Ghosh A. Bubbles in superfluid helium containing six and eight electrons: Soft, quantum nanomaterial. Science Advances. 2021;7:eabi7128.
  34. Kumar S, Abraham E, Kumar P, Pratap R. Introducing Water Electrolithography. ACS Omega. 2021;.
  35. Sur S, Ghosh A, Venkataraman V. Temporal coherence of surface plasmons in silver waveguides. JOSA B. 2021;38:1457–1461.
  36. Pal UM, Vishnu GKAnil, Varma M, Vaidya JS, Pandya HJ. Thermo-Optic Measurements and their Inter-Dependencies for Delineating Cancerous Breast Biopsy Tissue from Adjacent Normal. Journal of Biophotonics [Internet]. 2021;:e202100041.
  37. Singh J, Hegde PB, Ravindra P, Sen P, Avasthi S. Ambient Light-Activated Antibacterial Material: Manganese Vanadium Oxide (Mn2V2O7). ACS Applied Bio Materials [Internet]. 2021;4:6903–6911.
  38. Pahal S, Boranna R, Prashanth GR, Varma MM. Simplifying Molecular Transport in Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Thin Films. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics [Internet]. 2021;:2100330.
  39. Xiao M, Carey RL, Chen H, Jiao X, Lemaur V, Schott S, et al. Charge transport physics of a unique class of rigid-rod conjugated polymers with fused-ring conjugated units linked by double carbon-carbon bonds. Science Advances. 2021;7:eabe5280.
  40. Ganapathi KLakshmi, Bhat N, Mohan S. Optimization and integration of ultrathin e-beam grown HfO2 gate dielectrics in MoS2 transistors. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2021;54:445302.
  41. Maria KHanium, Sakhuja N, Jha RKumar, Bhat N. Ultra-Sonication Assisted Synthesis of 2D SnS 2 Nanoflakes for Room-Temperature No Gas Detection. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2021;21:10420–10427.
  42. Patil G, Vashist E, Kakoty H, Behera J, Ghosh A. Magnetic nanohelices swimming in an optical bowl. Applied Physics Letters [Internet]. 2021;119:012406.
  43. Reddy J, Chaman JJ, Pradeep K, Nayak MM, Pratap R. A method for realizing robust micro-scale electromagnetic actuators for high current density applications. ISSS Journal of Micro and Smart Systems. 2021;:1–6.
  44. Tiwari S, Kumar R, Dangi A, Dutta S, Pratap R, . Low Cost, Contamination-Free, and Damage-Free Fabrication of PZT MEMS on SOI Substrate. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. 2021;.
  45. Remesh N, Chandrasekar H, Venugopalrao A, Raghavan S, Rangarajan M, Nath DN. Re-engineering transition layers in AlGaN/GaN HEMT on Si for high voltage applications. Journal of Applied Physics [Internet]. 2021;130:075702.
  46. Dash A, More SK, Arora N, Naik AK. Ultra-sensitive charge detection and latch memory using MoS2-nanoresonator-based bifurcation amplifiers. Applied Physics Letters. 2021;118:053105.
  47. Vura S, Jeyaselvan V, Biswas R, Raghunathan V, Selvaraja SKumar, Raghavan S. Epitaxial BaTiO3 on Si (100) with In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Polarization Using a Single TiN Transition Layer. ACS Applied Electronic Materials [Internet]. 2021;.
  48. Nanda A, Singh V, Jha RKumar, Sinha J, Avasthi S, Bhat N. Growth-Temperature Dependent Unpassivated Oxygen Bonds Determine the Gas Sensing Abilities of Chemical Vapor Deposition-Grown CuO Thin Films. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces [Internet]. 2021;13:21936–21943.
  49. Hassan Y, Park JHyun, Crawford ML, Sadhanala A, Lee J, Sadighian JC, et al. Ligand-engineered bandgap stability in mixed-halide perovskite LEDs. Nature. 2021;591:72–77.
  50. Dash A, Mere V, Selvaraja SK, Naik AK. Independently reconfigurable internal loss and resonance-shift in an interferometer-embedded optical cavity. arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.12899. 2021;.
  51. Paria D, Vadakkumbatt V, Ravindra P, Avasthi S, Ghosh A. Unconventional plasmonic sensitization of graphene in mid-infrared. Nanotechnology. 2021;32:315202.
  52. Palaparthy VS, Surya SG, Gajarushi A, Chandorkar SArun, Kundu T, Baghini MShojaei, et al. Nanophotonic Crystal Waveguide with Embedded Piezoresistor on MEMS Cantilever for Sensing Application. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2021;.
  53. Sanjay S, Hossain M, Rao A, Bhat N. Super-Nernstian ion sensitive field-effect transistor exploiting charge screening in WSe2/MoS2 heterostructure. npj 2D Materials and Applications. 2021;5:1–8.


  1. Yang Z, Nath DN, Zhang Y, Krishnamoorthy S, Khurgin J, Rajan S. III-Nitride Tunneling Hot Electron Transfer Amplifier (THETA). In High-Frequency GaN Electronic Devices. Springer; 2020. pp. 109–157.
  2. Mere V, Tiwari S, Dash A, Kallega R, Naik A, Pratap R, et al. Silicon Photonics enabled on-chip Optical Readout of piezoMEMS Resonators. In 2020 IEEE Sensors. IEEE; 2020.
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  54. Jha RKumar, Nanda A, Bhat N. Boron nanostructures obtained via ultrasonic irradiation for high performance chemiresistive methane sensors. Nanoscale Advances. 2020;2:1837–1842.
  55. Dasgupta D, Pally D, Saini DKumar, Bhat R, Ghosh A. Nanorobots as sensors for cancer microenvironment. ScienceOpen Posters. 2020;.
  56. Nagarjun KP, Vikram BS, Prakash R, Singh A, Selvaraja SKumar, Supradeepa VR. Optical frequency comb based on nonlinear spectral broadening of a phase modulated comb source driven by dual offset locked carriers. Optics Letters [Internet]. 2020;45:893–896.
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  1. Jha RKumar, Sakhuja N, Bhat N. 2D Nano Materials for CMOS compatible Gas Sensors. In 2019 34th Symposium on Microelectronics Technology and Devices (SBMicro). IEEE; 2019.
  2. Mere V, Dash A, Kallega R, Naik A, Pratap R, Selvaraja SKumar. On-chip silicon-photonics based integrated vibrometer. In MOEMS and Miniaturized Systems XVIII [Internet]. International Society for Optics and Photonics; 2019.
  3. Dash A, Nambiar SR, Pandey M, Raghavan S, Naik A, Selvaraja SKumar. Low-power four-wave mixing in graphene-on-SiN micro-ring resonator. In 2D Photonic Materials and Devices II [Internet]. International Society for Optics and Photonics; 2019.
  4. Dash A, Gangavarapu PRYasasvi, Nambiar S, Jeyaselvan V, Mere V, Selvaraja SK, et al. Towards transparent on-waveguide electrical circuits in SiN-photonic platform. In 2019 IEEE 16th International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP). IEEE; 2019.
  5. Dangi A, Agrawal S, Tiwari S, Jadhav S, Cheng C, Datta GRamesh, et al. Ring PMUT array based miniaturized photoacoustic endoscopy device. In Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2019 [Internet]. International Society for Optics and Photonics; 2019.
  6. Somayaji NS, Kotian HShankar, Abdulla AZ, Harkar S, Singh V, Varma MM. Statistics of single cell trajectories in a bacterial swarm. In APS Meeting Abstracts. 2019.
  7. Benedict S, Bhat N. Plasma Oxidized Suspended Core-Shell Nanostructures for High Performance Metal Oxide Gas sensors. In 2019 Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing Conference (EDTM). IEEE; 2019.
  8. Tiwari S, Kumar R, P Menon K, Antony JA, Dutta S, Pratap R. On the Realization of Self-Sensing Piezoelectric MEMS Actuators. In 2019 International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales (MARSS). IEEE; 2019.
  9. Ramanathan M, Pratap R. Integration of a Compliant Thermal Actuator for Unlatching in a Mems Latch Accelerometer. In 2019 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems & Eurosensors XXXIII (TRANSDUCERS & EUROSENSORS XXXIII). IEEE; 2019.
  10. Ghosh S, Ghosh A. Design considerations for effective thermal management in mobile nanotweezers. In 2019 International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales (MARSS). IEEE; 2019.
  11. Balasubramanian K, Biswas T, Ghosh P, Suran S, Mishra A, Mishra R, et al. Reversible defect engineering in graphene grain boundaries. Nature communications. 2019;10:1090.
  12. Deshpande P, Vilayurganapathy S, Bhat KN, Ghosh A. Study of Ga+ implantation in Si diodes: effect on optoelectronic properties using micro-spectroscopy. Applied Physics A. 2019;125:181.
  13. Behera ARanjan, Shaik H, G Rao M, Pratap R. A Technique for Estimation of Residual Stress and Young’s Modulus of Compressively Stressed Thin Films Using Microfabricated Beams. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems. 2019;28:1039–1054.
  14. Prakash P, Abdulla AZ, Singh V, Varma M. Optimizing the cargo-carrying capacity of single bacteria. arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.01224. 2019;.
  15. Soman R, Raghavan S, Bhat N. An in situ monitored and controlled etch process to suppress Mg memory effects in MOCVD GaN growth on Si substrate. Semiconductor Science and Technology. 2019;34:125011.
  16. Prasad P, Arora N, Naik AK. Gate Tunable Cooperativity between Vibrational Modes. Nano letters [Internet]. 2019;19:5862–5867.
  17. Mahesh K, Varma MM, Sen P. A novel impedance sensing approach for precise electromechanical characterization of cells. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. 2019;29:115001.
  18. Jugade SS, Aggarwal A, Naik AK. Nanomechanical spectroscopy of ultrathin silicon nitride suspended membranes. arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.02289. 2019;.
  19. Sakhuja N, Jha RKumar, Bhat N. Tungsten Disulphide Nanosheets for High-Performance Chemiresistive Ammonia Gas Sensor. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2019;19:11767–11774.
  20. Roy K, Gupta H, Shastri V, Dangi A, Jeyaseelan A, Dutta S, et al. Fluid Density Sensing using Piezoelectric Micromachined Ultrasound Transducers. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2019;.
  21. Bhattacharjee S, Ganapathi KLakshmi, Sharma DGanesh, Sharma A, Mohan S, Bhat N. Adaptive Transport in High Performance (I on), Steep Sub-Threshold Slope (SS< 60 mV/dec) MoS 2 Transistors. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology. 2019;18:1071–1078.
  22. Chakrabortty T, Suman A, Gupta A, Singh V, Varma M. Null model exhibiting synchronized dynamics in uncoupled oscillators. Physical Review E [Internet]. 2019;99:052410.
  23. Benedict S, Bhat N. Enhanced sensor life using UV treatment of sulphur poisoned Pt-PtOx. Materials Research Bulletin [Internet]. 2019;112:236–241.
  24. Balasubramanian R, Pal S, Joshi H, Rao A, Naik A, Varma MM, et al. DNA Translocation through Hybrid Bilayer Nanopores. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C [Internet]. 2019;.
  25. Jha RKumar, Singh V, Sinha J, Avasthi S, Bhat N. CVD Grown Cuprous Oxide Thin Film Based High Performance Chemiresistive Ammonia Gas Sensors. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2019;19:11759–11766.
  26. Cheng CY, Dangi A, Ren L, Tiwari S, Benoit RR, Qiu Y, et al. Thin Film PZT-Based PMUT Arrays for Deterministic Particle Manipulation. IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control. 2019;66:1606–1615.
  27. Prajapati CShekhar, Benedict S, Bhat N. An ultralow power nanosensor array for selective detection of air pollutants. Nanotechnology. 2019;31:025301.
  28. Samanta C, Arora N, Raghavan S, Naik AK, . The effect of strain on effective Duffing nonlinearity in the CVD-MoS 2 resonator. Nanoscale. 2019;11:8394–8401.
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  30. Dash A, Samanta C, Ranganath P, Selvaraja SK, Naik AK. Optical gradient force for tuning, actuation, and manipulation of nonlinearity in graphene nanomechanical resonator. Journal of Optics. 2019;21:065803.
  31. Jha RKumar, D’Costa JVinroy, Sakhuja N, Bhat N. MoSe2 Nanoflakes Based Chemiresistive Sensors for ppb-level Hydrogen Sulfide gas Detection. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical [Internet]. 2019;:126687.
  32. Ghosh S, Ghosh A. All optical dynamic nanomanipulation with active colloidal tweezers. Nature communications. 2019;10:1–8.
  33. Kahmei RDRalandinli, Sai R, Arackal S, Shivashankar SA, Bhat N. Nanostructured Zn-Substituted Nickel Ferrite Thin Films: CMOS-Compatible Deposition and Excellent Soft Magnetic Properties. IEEE Magnetics Letters. 2019;10:1–5.
  34. Ghosh P, Paria D, Balasubramanian K, Ghosh A, Narayanan R, Raghavan S. Directed Microwave-Assisted Self-Assembly of Au–Graphene–Au Plasmonic Dimers for SERS Applications. Advanced Materials Interfaces [Internet]. 2019;.
  35. Kollaran AM, Joge S, Kotian HS, Badal D, Prakash D, Mishra A, et al. Context-Specific Requirement of Forty-Four Two-Component Loci in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Swarming. iScience [Internet]. 2019;13:305–317.
  36. Basu N, Sterin NS, Mamidala SRam, Shenoy A, Bhat N. Optimization of Platinum dioxide properties by plasma oxidation of sputtered PtOx. Materialia [Internet]. 2019;8:100477.
  37. Gangavarapu PRYasasvi, Sharma AMankala Ra, Naik AK. PECVD grown silicon nitride ultra-thin films for CNTFETs. Semiconductor Science and Technology. 2019;34:065018.
  38. Bhattacharjee S, Vatsyayan R, Ganapathi KLakshmi, Ravindra P, Mohan S, Bhat N. Hole Injection and Rectifying Heterojunction Photodiodes through Vacancy Engineering in MoS2. Advanced Electronic Materials [Internet]. 2019;:1800863.
  39. Jha RKumar, Sakhuja N, Jakhar S, Bhat N. Hydrogen Sulfide Gas Sensing Capabilities of Solution Processed Vanadium Pentoxide Nanosheets. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology. 2019;18:932–939.
  40. Dangi A, Cheng C, Agrawal S, Tiwari S, Datta GRamesh, Benoit R, et al. A Photoacoustic Imaging Device using Piezoelectric Micromachined Ultrasound Transducers (PMUTs). IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control. 2019;.
  41. Kotian HS, Harkar S, Joge S, Mishra A, Abdulla AZ, Singh V, et al. Delineating the active and passive components in bacterial swarming. arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.04357. 2019;.
  42. Nittala PVamsi Kris, Sahoo K, Bhat N, Bhat KN, Sen P. Effect of substrate transfer on performance of vertically stacked ultrathin MOS devices. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. 2019;66:1153–1159.
  43. M Raghavan S, Muralidharan G, Pramanik A, Shivashankar SA, Bhat N. Ultra-sensitive H2S sensing at ppb concentrations by barely crystalline WOx/W thin film. Materials Research Express. 2019;6:125907.
  44. Dash A, Gangavarapu PRYasasvi, , Selvaraja SK, Naik AK. Transparent on-waveguide electrical interconnects in SiN-photonic platform. Optics Communications [Internet]. 2019;444:28–31.
  45. MacKenzie M, Chi H, Varma M, Pal P, Kar A, Paterson L. Femtosecond laser fabrication of silver nanostructures on glass for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Scientific reports. 2019;9:1–13.
  46. Shrivastava M, Gupta SDutta, Soni A, Raghavan S, Bhat N. Enhancement mode high electron mobility transistor (hemt). 2019.


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  2. Nagarjun KP, Vikram BS, Prakash R, Suparna S, Singh A, Selvaraja SKumar, et al. Frequency offset locked dual-carrier excitation of phase-modulated electro-optic frequency combs for bandwidth scaling and nonlinear spectral broadening. In Next-Generation Optical Communication: Components, Sub-Systems, and Systems VII. International Society for Optics and Photonics; 2018.
  3. Chatterjee A, Selvaraja SKumar. Waveguide integration silicon MSM photodetector in silicon nitride-on-SOI platform for visible and NIR wavelength band. In Optical Components and Materials XV. International Society for Optics and Photonics; 2018.
  4. Mere V, Kallega R, Naik A, Pratap R, Selvaraja SKumar. Silicon photonics based on-chip vibrometer. In MOEMS and Miniaturized Systems XVII. International Society for Optics and Photonics; 2018.
  5. Murphy K, Mackenzie MD, Chi H, Varma M, Pal P, Paterson L, et al. Laser micromachined SERS substrates in etched fused silica (Conference Presentation). In Frontiers in Ultrafast Optics: Biomedical, Scientific, and Industrial Applications XVIII. International Society for Optics and Photonics; 2018.
  6. Pandey A, Selvaraja SKumar. Fano Resonance Assisted Tunable Microwave Photonic Phase Shifter in Loaded Ring Resonator. In CLEO: Applications and Technology. Optical Society of America; 2018.
  7. Prakash R, Vikram BS, Nagarjun KP, Selvaraja SKumar, Supradeepa VR. Power and Bandwidth Scaling of Electro-Optic Frequency Comb using Cascaded Four-Wave Mixing in a loop augmented by Tailored Optical Feedback. In CLEO: Science and Innovations. Optical Society of America; 2018.
  8. Duraichelvan R, Srinivas B, Badilescu S, Ghosh A, Packirisamy M. Comparison of Ex-Situ and In-Situ Nano Plasmonic Platforms for Capture and Detection of Exosomes. In Meeting Abstracts. The Electrochemical Society; 2018.
  9. Jeyaselvan V, Selvaraja SKumar. On-chip Silicon photonics assisted frequency doubling and pulse generation. In Microwave and Photonics (ICMAP), 2018 3rd International Conference on. IEEE; 2018.
  10. Sethi P, Haldar A, Kallega R, Selvaraja SKumar. Compact broadband taper for low-loss coupling to a silicon nitride photonic wire. In Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XXII. International Society for Optics and Photonics; 2018.
  11. Kumawat N, Varma M, Kumar S. Phase sensitive diffraction sensor for high sensitivity refractive index measurement. In Optical Diagnostics and Sensing XVIII: Toward Point-of-Care Diagnostics. International Society for Optics and Photonics; 2018.
  12. Chaurasia S, Chatterjee A, Selvaraja S, Avasthi S. Infrared (IR) photoresistors based on recrystallized amorphous germanium films on silicon using liquid phase epitaxy. In Optical Sensing and Detection V. International Society for Optics and Photonics; 2018.
  13. Kotesa RS, Joshi KR, Ananthasuresh GK, Sen P. A novel high throughput microfluidic cell transit analyzer using air liquid interface as localized pressure sensor. In Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 2018 IEEE. IEEE; 2018.
  14. Suran S, Varma M. Direct optical imaging of nanoscale internal organization of polymer films. In Nanoscale Imaging, Sensing, and Actuation for Biomedical Applications XV. International Society for Optics and Photonics; 2018.
  15. Venugopalan PLekshmy, Jain S, Shivashankar S, Ghosh A. Single coating of zinc ferrite renders magnetic nanomotors therapeutic and stable against agglomeration. Nanoscale. 2018;.
  16. Dasgupta P, Kumar V, Krishnaswamy PR, Bhat N. Development of biosensor for detection of serum creatinine. CSI Transactions on ICT. 2018;6:5–10.
  17. Dawnee S, Bhat N. Effect of gate dielectric on the performance of ISFET with SU-8 encapsulation. ISSS Journal of Micro and Smart Systems. 2018;7:53–60.
  18. Tripathy A, Pahal S, Mudakavi RJ, Raichur AM, Varma MM, Sen P. Impact of Bioinspired Nanotopography on the Antibacterial and Antibiofilm Efficacy of Chitosan. Biomacromolecules. 2018;19:1340–1346.
  19. Jaiswal P, Muazzam UUl, Pratiyush ASingh, Mohan N, Raghavan S, Muralidharan R, et al. Microwave irradiation-assisted deposition of Ga2O3 on III-nitrides for deep-UV opto-electronics. Applied Physics Letters. 2018;112:021105.
  20. Ghosh S, Ghosh A. Mobile nanotweezers for active colloidal manipulation. Science Robotics. 2018;3:eaaq0076.
  21. Han J, Ryu S, Kim H, Sen P, Choi D, Nam Y, et al. Anisotropic drop spreading on superhydrophobic grates during drop impact. Soft Matter. 2018;14:3760–3767.
  22. Chouhan ASingh, Athresh E, Ranjan R, Raghavan S, Avasthi S. BaBiO3: A potential absorber for all-oxide photovoltaics. Materials Letters. 2018;210:218–222.
  23. Kanyal G, Kumar P, Paul SK, Kumar A. OTA based high frequency tunable resistorless grounded and floating memristor emulators. AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications. 2018;92:124–145.
  24. Venkataramanababu S, Nair G, Deshpande P, Jithin MA, Mohan S, Ghosh A. Chiro-plasmonic refractory metamaterial with titanium nitride (TiN) core–shell nanohelices. Nanotechnology. 2018;29:255203.
  25. Benedict S, Singh M, Naik TRRavikumar, Shivashankar SA, Bhat N. Microwave-Synthesized NiO as a Highly Sensitive and Selective Room-Temperature NO2 Sensor. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology. 2018;7:Q3143–Q3147.
  26. Kalra A, Vura S, Rathkanthiwar S, Muralidharan R, Raghavan S, Nath DN. Demonstration of high-responsivity epitaxial $\beta$-Ga2O3/GaN metal–heterojunction-metal broadband UV-A/UV-C detector. Applied Physics Express. 2018;11:064101.
  27. Paria D, Jeong H-H, Vadakkumbatt V, Deshpande P, Fischer P, Ghosh A, et al. Graphene–silver hybrid devices for sensitive photodetection in the ultraviolet. Nanoscale. 2018;10:7685–7693.
  28. Sriramdas R, Pratap R. Performance Analysis of Hybrid Vibrational Energy Harvesters with Experimental Verification. Smart Materials and Structures. 2018;.
  29. Tripathy A, Kumar A, Sreedharan S, Muralidharan G, Pramanik A, Nandi D, et al. Fabrication of Low-Cost Flexible Superhydrophobic Antibacterial Surface with Dual-Scale Roughness. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering. 2018;.
  30. Mere V, Kallega R, Selvaraja SKumar. Efficient and tunable strip-to-slot fundamental mode coupling. Optics express. 2018;26:438–444.
  31. Kolla LGanapathi, Ding Y, Misra D, Bhat N. Interface states reduction in atomic layer deposited TiN/ZrO2/Al2O3/Ge gate stacks. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, Nanotechnology and Microelectronics: Materials, Processing, Measurement, and Phenomena. 2018;36:021201.
  32. Rathkanthiwar S, Kalra A, Muralidharan R, Nath DN, Raghavan S. Analysis of screw dislocation mediated dark current in Al 0.50 Ga 0.50 N solar-blind metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectors. Journal of Crystal Growth. 2018;.
  33. Singh HJohnson, Ghosh A. Chiro-optical response in helically arranged achiral dielectric nanoparticles. Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 2018;6:2430–2434.
  34. P Menon K, Nayak J, Pratap R. Sensitivity analysis of an in-plane MEMS vibratory gyroscope. Microsystem Technologies. 2018;24:2199–2213.
  35. Hebbar DN, Menon SG, Choudhari KS, Shivashankar SA, Santhosh C, Kulkarni SD. Cr-doped ZnAl2O4: Microwave solution route for ceramic nanoparticles from metalorganic complexes in minutes. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 2018;101:800–811.
  36. Pal M, Somalwar N, Singh A, Bhat R, Eswarappa SM, Saini DK, et al. Maneuverability of Magnetic Nanomotors Inside Living Cells. Advanced Materials. 2018;:1800429.
  37. Prakash P, Pahal S, Varma M. Fluorescence Recovery after Photobleaching in Ultrathin Polymer Films. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics. 2018;219:1700543.
  38. Nayak DRanjan, Bhat N, Venkatapathi M, Umapathy S. Signal Enhancement from Tunable SERS Substrates: Design and Demonstration of Multiple Regimes of Enhancement. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2018;122:9134–9140.
  39. Ghosh A, Dasgupta D, Pal M, Morozov KI, Leshansky AM, Ghosh A. Helical Nanomachines as Mobile Viscometers. Advanced Functional Materials. 2018;.
  40. Pratap R, Dangi A, Behera AR. An Experimental Study of Residual Stress Induced Modulation of Vibration Characteristics in 1-D MEMS Resonators. Materials Performance and Characterization. 2018;7.
  41. Vikram BS, Selvaraja SKumar, Supradeepa VR. Optical Frequency Comb synthesis for super channel based high-bandwidth data communication. CSI Transactions on ICT. 2018;6:33–38.
  42. Singh HJohnson, Ghosh A. Large and tunable chiro-optical response with all dielectric helical nanomaterials. ACS Photonics. 2018;5:1977–1985.
  43. Prakash P, Pahal S, Varma M. Macromol. Chem. Phys. 7/2018. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics. 2018;219:1870019.
  44. Sharma TKumar, Ranganath P, Nambiar S, Selvaraja SKumar. Broadband transverse magnetic pass polarizer with low insertion loss based on silicon nitride waveguide. Optical Engineering. 2018;57:037104.
  45. Benedict S, Lumdee C, Dmitriev A, Anand S, Bhat N. Colloidal lithography nanostructured Pd/PdO x core–shell sensor for ppb level H2S detection. Nanotechnology. 2018;29:255502.
  46. Nagarjun KP, Jeyaselvan V, Selvaraja SKumar, Supradeepa VR. Generation of tunable, high repetition rate optical frequency combs using on-chip silicon modulators. Optics express. 2018;26:10744–10753.
  47. Kumar V, Hebbar S, Kalam R, Panwar S, Prasad S, Srikanta SS, et al. Creatinine-Iron Complex and Its Use in Electrochemical Measurement of Urine Creatinine. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2018;18:830–836.
  48. Tripathy A, Kumar A, Chowdhury ARoy, Karmakar K, Purighalla S, Sambandamurthy VK, et al. A Nanowire-Based Flexible Antibacterial Surface Reduces the Viability of Drug-Resistant Nosocomial Pathogens. ACS Applied Nano Materials. 2018;.
  49. Jayavanth S, Keswarpu P, Varma M. Centrifugal microfluidic device and methods of use. 2018.
  50. Chakraborty S, Kumar A, Sen P. Special Issue on Microfluidics: Theory and Applications. 2018.


  1. Supradeepa VR, Feng Y, Nicholson JW. Raman fiber lasers. Journal of Optics. 2017;19:023001.
  2. Pratiyush ASingh, Krishnamoorthy S, Solanke SVishnu, Xia Z, Muralidharan R, Rajan S, et al. High responsivity in molecular beam epitaxy grown beta-Ga2O3 metal semiconductor metal solar blind deep-UV photodetector. Applied Physics Letters. 2017;110:221107.
  3. Chouhan ASingh, Jasti NPrathibha, Hadke S, Raghavan S, Avasthi S. Large grained and high charge carrier lifetime CH3NH3PbI3 thin-films: implications for perovskite solar cells. Current Applied Physics. 2017;17:1335–1340.
  4. Neella N, Gaddam V, Nayak MM, Dinesh NS, Rajanna K. Scalable fabrication of highly sensitive flexible temperature sensors based on silver nanoparticles coated reduced graphene oxide nanocomposite thin films. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 2017;268:173–182.
  5. Dhar S, Lalithambika A, Raghavan S, . Thermodynamic Modeling of WCOHS System for Controlled Growth of WS2 Atomic Layers by True CVD. ECS Transactions. 2017;77:49–59.
  6. Pahal S, Gakhar R, Raichur AM, Varma MM. Polyelectrolyte multilayers for bio-applications: recent advancements. IET nanobiotechnology. 2017;11:903–908.
  7. Tripathy A, Sen P, Su B, Briscoe WH. Natural and bioinspired nanostructured bactericidal surfaces. Advances in colloid and interface science. 2017;248:85–104.
  8. Kumar V, Kashyap DMNikhila, Hebbar S, Swetha R, Prasad S, Kamala T, et al. Aza-heterocyclic receptors for direct electron transfer hemoglobin biosensor. Scientific Reports. 2017;7:42031.
  9. Pandey A, Selvaraja SKumar. Internally-loaded ring resonator configuration for optical filter applications. CSI transactions on ICT. 2017;5:135–141.
  10. Bhattacharjee S, Ganapathi KL, Mohan S, Bhat N. Interface Engineering of High-k Dielectrics and Metal Contacts for High Performance Top-Gated MoS2 FETs. ECS Transactions. 2017;80:101–107.
  11. Kumar S, Gupta P, Guiney I, Humphreys CJ, Raghavan S, Muralidharan R, et al. Temperature and Bias Dependent Trap Capture Cross Section in AlGaN/GaN HEMT on 6-in Silicon With Carbon-Doped Buffer. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. 2017;64:4868–4874.
  12. Yadav N, Vadakkumbatt V, Maris HJ, Ghosh A. Exploding and Imaging of Electron Bubbles in Liquid Helium. Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 2017;187:618–626.
  13. Menon SG, Choudhari KS, Shivashankar SA, Santhosh C, Kulkarni SD. Rapid annealing: A novel processing technique for Cr: ZnAl2O4 nanoparticles. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2017;728:484–489.
  14. Vasireddi R, Javvaji B, Vardhan H, Mahapatra DR, Hegde GM. Growth of zinc oxide nanorod structures: pressure controlled hydrothermal process and growth mechanism. Journal of Materials Science. 2017;52:2007–2020.
  15. Tripathy A, Sreedharan S, Bhaskarla C, Majumdar S, Peneti SKumar, Nandi D, et al. Enhancing the Bactericidal Efficacy of Nanostructured Multifunctional Surface Using an Ultrathin Metal Coating. Langmuir. 2017;33:12569–12579.
  16. Nayak DR, Bhat N, Venkatapathi M, Umapathy S. Impact of ultrathin dielectric spacers on SERS: energy transfer between polarized charges and plasmons. Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 2017;5:2123–2129.
  17. Kumar S, Pratiyush ASingh, Dolmanan SB, Tripathy S, Muralidharan R, Nath DN. UV detector based on InAlN/GaN-on-Si HEMT stack with photo-to-dark current ratio> 107. Applied Physics Letters. 2017;111:251103.
  18. Prajapati CS, Visser D, Anand S, Bhat N. Honeycomb type ZnO nanostructures for sensitive and selective CO detection. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 2017;252:764–772.
  19. Biswas T, Ravindra P, Athresh E, Ranjan R, Avasthi S, Jain M. Optical Properties of Zn2Mo3O8: Combination of Theoretical and Experimental Study. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2017;121:24766–24773.
  20. Rathkanthiwar S, Kalra A, Solanke SV, Mohta N, Muralidharan R, Raghavan S, et al. Gain mechanism and carrier transport in high responsivity AlGaN-based solar blind metal semiconductor metal photodetectors. Journal of Applied Physics. 2017;121:164502.
  21. Joseph EM, Vadakkumbatt V, Pal A, Ghosh A. Stable Trapping of Multielectron Helium Bubbles in a Paul Trap. Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 2017;187:580–587.
  22. Menon SG, Choudhari KS, Shivashankar SA, Chidangil S, Kulkarni SD. Microwave solution route to ceramic ZnAl 2 O 4 nanoparticles in 10 minutes: inversion and photophysical changes with thermal history. New Journal of Chemistry. 2017;41:5420–5428.
  23. Bhattacharjee S, Ganapathi KLakshmi, Chandrasekar H, Paul T, Mohan S, Ghosh A, et al. Nitride Dielectric Environments to Suppress Surface Optical Phonon Dominated Scattering in High-Performance Multilayer MoS2 FETs. Advanced Electronic Materials. 2017;3.
  24. Sai R, Kulkarni SD, Yamaguchi M, Bhat N, Shivashankar SA. Integrated X-Band Inductor With a Nanoferrite Film Core. IEEE Magnetics Letters. 2017;8:1–4.
  25. Basu N, Konduri AKrishna, Basu PKumar, Keshavan S, Varma MM, Bhat N. Flexible, Label-Free DNA Sensor using Platinum oxide as the sensing element. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2017;17:6140–6147.
  26. Sethi P, Haldar A, Selvaraja SKumar. Ultra-compact low-loss broadband waveguide taper in silicon-on-insulator. Optics Express. 2017;25:10196–10203.
  27. Benedict S, Basu PKumar, Bhat N. Low power gas sensor array on flexible acetate substrate. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. 2017;27:075024.
  28. Arun S, Supradeepa VR. High power fiber lasers in the SWIR band using Raman lasers. CSI transactions on ICT. 2017;5:143–148.
  29. Prajapati CShekhar, Soman R, Rudraswamy SB, Nayak M, Bhat N. Single Chip Gas Sensor Array for Air Quality Monitoring. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems. 2017;26:433–439.
  30. Vadakkumbatt V, Ghosh A. Fission of Multielectron Bubbles in Liquid Helium Under Electric Fields. Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 2017;187:369–375.
  31. Bhattacharjee S, Ganapathi KLakshmi, Mohan S, Bhat N. A sub-thermionic MoS2 FET with tunable transport. Applied Physics Letters. 2017;111:163501.
  32. Sharma A, Suma BN, Bhat KN, Naik AK. Gallium-Doped Piezoresistive Sensor With Optimized Focused Ion Beam Implantation. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems. 2017;26:127–134.
  33. Banerjee A, K Narayanachari VLV, Raghavan S. Effect of in situ stress on grain growth and texture evolution in sputtered YSZ/Si films. RSC Advances. 2017;7:17832–17840.
  34. Pahal S, Gakhar R, Raichur AM, Varma MM. Probing Bio-Molecules across Polyelectrolyte Multilayers. J Nanomed Res. 2017;5:00140.
  35. Prasad P, Arora N, Naik AK. Parametric amplification in MoS 2 drum resonator. Nanoscale. 2017;9:18299–18304.
  36. Sai R, Shivashankar SA, Yamaguchi M, Bhat N. Magnetic Nanoferrites for RF CMOS: Enabling 5G and Beyond. The Electrochemical Society Interface. 2017;26:71–76.
  37. Kumar S, Remesh N, Dolmanan SB, Tripathy S, Raghavan S, Muralidharan R, et al. Interface traps at Al2O3/InAlN/GaN MOS-HEMT-on-200 mm Si. Solid-State Electronics. 2017;137:117–122.
  38. Pal A, Joseph E, Vadakkumbatt V, Yadav N, Srinivasan V, Maris HJ, et al. Collapse of Vapor-Filled Bubbles in Liquid Helium. Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 2017;188:101–111.
  39. Ravindra P, Mukherjee R, Avasthi S. Hole-Selective Electron-Blocking Copper Oxide Contact for Silicon Solar Cells. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics. 2017;7:1278–1283.
  40. Gangavarapu PRYasasvi, Lokesh PC, Bhat KN, Naik AK. Graphene Electrodes as Barrier-Free Contacts for Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistors. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. 2017;64:4335–4339.
  41. Chandrasekar H, Bhat KN, Rangarajan M, Raghavan S, Bhat N. Thickness Dependent Parasitic Channel Formation at AlN/Si Interfaces. Scientific reports. 2017;7:15749.
  42. Basu PKumar, Benedict S, Kallat S, Bhat N. A suspended low power gas sensor with in-plane heater. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems. 2017;26:48–50.
  43. Sasikumar H, Varma MM. Exploiting transient phenomena for imaging with breath figures. Applied Physics Letters. 2017;110:071602.
  44. Ryu S, Sen P, Nam Y, Lee C. Water Penetration through a Superhydrophobic Mesh During a Drop Impact. Physical review letters. 2017;118:014501.
  45. Visser D, Ye Z, Prajapati CS, Bhat N, Anand S. Investigations of Sol-Gel ZnO Films Nanostructured by Reactive Ion Beam Etching for Broadband Anti-Reflection. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology. 2017;6:P653–P659.


  1. Lenka MK, Agrawal A, Khatri V, Banerjee G. A Wide-Band Receiver Front-End with Programmable Frequency Selective Input Matching. In 2016 29th International Conference on VLSI Design and 2016 15th International Conference on Embedded Systems (VLSID). 2016. pp. 168-173.
  2. Gaggatur JS, Dixena PK, Banerjee G. A 3.2 mW 0.13 ¿¿m high sensitivity frequency-domain CMOS capacitance interface. In 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS). 2016. pp. 1070-1073.
  3. Kakoty H, Banerjee R, Dasgupta C, Ghosh A. Role of Entropy in the Expulsion of Dopants from Optically Trapped Colloidal Assemblies. Physical review letters. 2016;117:258002.
  4. Sreenivasulu T, Kolli VRao, Yadunath TR, Badrinarayana T, Sahu A, Hegde G, et al. Photonic crystal-based force sensor to measure sub-micro newton forces over a wide range. Current Science (00113891). 2016;110.
  5. Reddy J, Pratap R. Si-gold-glass hybrid wafer bond for 3D-MEMS and wafer level packaging. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. 2016;27:015005.
  6. Bhattacharjee S, Ganapathi KLakshmi, Nath DN, Bhat N. Intrinsic limit for contact resistance in exfoliated multilayered MoS 2 FET. IEEE Electron Device Letters. 2016;37:119–122.
  7. Sriramdas R, Rastogi S, Pratap R. Design considerations for optimal absorption of energy from a vibration source by an array of harvesters. Energy Harvesting and Systems. 2016;3:121–131.
  8. Medury ASankar, Bhat KN, Bhat N. Impact of carrier quantum confinement on the short channel effects of double-gate silicon-on-insulator FINFETs. Microelectronics Journal. 2016;55:143–151.
  9. Chakraborty K, Kumawat N, Sultana S, Varma MM. Enhancing the quality factor of grating coupled plasmon resonance in optical recording media. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 2016;244:50–55.
  10. Jagdish AKrishnaswa, Kumar GPavan, Ramamurthy PC, Mahapatra DRoy, Hegde G. Understanding coupled electro-thermal processes in the catastrophic failure of organic electronic devices. Organic Electronics. 2016;39:354–360.
  11. Mukhopadhyay S, Mitra S, Ding YIMing, Ganapathi KL, Misra D, Bhat N, et al. Effect of post plasma oxidation on Ge gate stacks interface formation. ECS Transactions. 2016;72:303–312.
  12. Malhi CKaur, Pratap R. On the Equivalence of Acoustic Impedance and Squeeze Film Impedance in Micromechanical Resonators. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics. 2016;138:011005.
  13. Kallatt S, Umesh G, Bhat N, Majumdar K. Photoresponse of atomically thin MoS 2 layers and their planar heterojunctions. Nanoscale. 2016;8:15213–15222.
  14. Seethamraju S, Kumar S, Madras G, Raghavan S, Ramamurthy PChandrashe. Million-fold decrease in polymer moisture permeability by a graphene monolayer. ACS nano. 2016;10:6501–6509.
  15. Raja I, Banerjee G, Zeidan MA, Abraham JA. A 0.1 #x2013;3.5-GHz Duty-Cycle Measurement and Correction Technique in 130-nm CMOS. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems. 2016;24:1975-1983.
  16. Prasad PR, Selvaraja SK, Varma MM. High precision measurement of intensity peak shifts in tunable cascaded microring intensity sensors. Optics letters. 2016;41:3153–3156.
  17. Bansal S, Sen P. Mixing enhancement by degenerate modes in electrically actuated sessile droplets. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 2016;232:318–326.
  18. Khatri V, Banerjee G. A 0.25-3.25-GHz Wideband CMOS-RF Spectrum Sensor for Narrowband Energy Detection. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems. 2016;PP:1-12.
  19. Bhattacharjee S, Ganapathi KLakshmi, Nath DN, Bhat N. Surface state engineering of metal/MoS 2 contacts using sulfur treatment for reduced contact resistance and variability. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. 2016;63:2556–2562.
  20. Hegde GM, Jagadeesh G, Reddy KPJ. Time-Resolved Digital Interferometry for High Speed Flow Visualization in Hypersonic Shock Tunnel. Journal of the Indian Institute of Science. 2016;96:63–72.
  21. Bhattacharjee S, Ganapathi KL, Nath DN, Bhat N. Surface State Engineering of Metal/MoS2 Contacts Using Sulfur Treatment for Reduced Contact Resistance and Variability. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. 2016;63:2556-2562.
  22. Singh HJ, Saumitra S, Singh VR, Sikdar SK, Jayaprakash B, Ghosh A. Circular Differential Two-Photon Luminescence from Helically Arranged Plasmonic Nanoparticles. ACS Photonics. 2016;3(5):863–868.
  23. Kumar S, Pratap R, Raghavan S. Ultrahigh fluid diffusivity in graphene-lined nanochannels. Applied Physics Letters. 2016;108:091606.
  24. Narayanachari KVLV, Chandrasekar H, Banerjee A, Varma KBR, Ranjan R, Bhat N, et al. Growth stress induced tunability of dielectric permittivity in thin films. Journal of Applied Physics. 2016;119:014106.
  25. Dhar S, V Kumar K, Choudhury TH, Shivashankar SA, Raghavan S. Chemical vapor deposition of MoS 2 layers from Mo–S–C–O–H system: thermodynamic modeling and validation. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2016;18:14918–14926.
  26. Dana S, Varma MM. Gas-Selective Signal Amplification in Fluctuation-Based Graphene FET Sensors. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2016;16:6533–6536.
  27. Tripathy A, Muralidharan G, Pramanik A, Sen P. Single etch fabrication and characterization of robust nanoparticle tipped bi-level superhydrophobic surfaces. RSC Advances. 2016;6:81852–81861.
  28. Ganapathi KLakshmi, Bhattacharjee S, Mohan S, Bhat N. High-performance HfO 2 back gated multilayer MoS 2 transistors. IEEE Electron Device Letters. 2016;37:797–800.
  29. Sreenivasulu T, Kolli VR, Tarimala B, Hegde G, Sangineni M, Talabattula S. Super defect inside photonic crystal ring resonator to enhance Q factor. Optical Engineering. 2016;55:035103.
  30. Chandrasekar H, Ganapathi KL, Bhattacharjee S, Bhat N, Nath DN. Optical-Phonon-Limited High-Field Transport in Layered Materials. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. 2016;63:767-772.
  31. B Bharadwaj K, Chandrasekar H, Nath D, Pratap R, Raghavan S. Intrinsic limits of channel transport hysteresis in graphene-SiO2 interface and its dependence on graphene defect density. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2016;49:265301.
  32. Bhattacharjee S, Ganapathi KL, Nath DN, Bhat N. Intrinsic Limit for Contact Resistance in Exfoliated Multilayered MoS2 FET. IEEE Electron Device Letters. 2016;37:119-122.
  33. Dana S, Varma MM. Gas-Selective Signal Amplification in Fluctuation-Based Graphene FET Sensors. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2016;16:6533-6536.
  34. Prasad PR, Selvaraja SK, Varma MM. Full-Range Detection in Cascaded Microring Sensors Using Thermooptical Tuning. Journal of Lightwave Technology. 2016;34:5157–5163.
  35. Chandrasekar H, Ganapathi KLakshmi, Bhattacharjee S, Bhat N, Nath DN. Optical-Phonon-Limited High-Field Transport in Layered Materials. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. 2016;63:767–772.
  36. Singh HJohnson, Singh VR, Sikdar SK, Jayaprakash B, Ghosh A. Circular Differential Two-Photon Luminescence from Helically Arranged Plasmonic Nanoparticles. ACS Photonics. 2016;3:863–868.
  37. Medhi B, Hegde GM, Gorthi SSiva, Reddy KJagannath, Roy D, Vasu RMohan. Improved quantitative visualization of hypervelocity flow through wavefront estimation based on shadow casting of sinusoidal gratings. Applied optics. 2016;55:6060–6071.
  38. Ganapathi KL, Bhattacharjee S, Mohan S, Bhat N. High-Performance HfO2 Back Gated Multilayer MoS2 Transistors. IEEE Electron Device Letters. 2016;37:797-800.
  39. Vishwakarma SD, Pandey AK, Parpia JM, Verbridge SS, Craighead HG, Pratap R. Size modulated transition in the fluid–structure interaction losses in nano mechanical beam resonators. Journal of Applied Physics. 2016;119:194303.
  40. Vinayakumar KB, Kulkarni PG, Nayak MM, Dinesh NS, Hegde GM, Ramachandra SG, et al. A hollow stainless steel microneedle array to deliver insulin to a diabetic rat. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. 2016;26:065013.
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  1. Gaggatur JS, Banerjee G. Integrated temperature sensor for reconfigurable radio frequency synthesizer. In Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (CONECCT), 2015 IEEE International Conference on. 2015. pp. 1-6.
  2. Yang Z, Zhang Y, Krishnamoorthy S, Nath DN, Khurgin JB, Rajan S. Modeling and experimental demonstration of sub-10 nm base III-nitride tunneling hot electron transistors. In 2015 73rd Annual Device Research Conference (DRC). 2015. pp. 53-54.
  3. Khatri V, Banerjee G. Complex filter based spectrum sensor for narrowband detection over a wide sensing bandwidth. In Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (CONECCT), 2015 IEEE International Conference on. 2015. pp. 1-4.
  4. Zahir Z, Banerjee G. A fast acquisition phase frequency detector for high frequency PLLs. In 2015 IEEE International WIE Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (WIECON-ECE). 2015. pp. 366-369.
  5. Raman A, Ananthasuresh GK. Improving a Dual-Probe Heat Pulse based soil moisture sensor using insulated nichrome wire. In Physics and Technology of Sensors (ISPTS), 2015 2nd International Symposium on. 2015. pp. 283-288.
  6. Neella N, Gaddam V, Rajanna K, Nayak MM, Srinivas T. Highly flexible and sensitive graphene-silver nanocomposite strain sensor. In SENSORS, 2015 IEEE. 2015. pp. 1-4.
  7. Chowdary TA, Banerjee G. An integrated X-band FMCW radar transceiver in 130-nm CMOS technology. In 2015 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference (IMaRC). 2015. pp. 151-154.
  8. Chauhan L, Gupta S, Jaiswal P, Bhat N, Shivashankar SA, Hughes G. Modification of metal–InGaAs Schottky barrier behaviour by atomic layer deposition of ultra-thin Al2O3 interlayers. Thin Solid Films. 2015;589:264–267.
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  10. Godthi V, K. Reddy J, Pratap R. A Study of Pressure Dependent Squeeze Film Stiffness as a Resonance Modulator using Static and Dynamic Measurements. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems. DOI 10; 2015;.
  11. Bhargav SDB, Jorapur N, Ananthasuresh GK. Fabrication of Compliant Micro-Grippers using SU-8 with a Single Mask. Journal of the Institute of Smart Structures and Systems . 2015;3:7–14.
  12. Mandal P, Chopra V, Ghosh A. Independent Direction Control of Magnetic Nanomotors. ACS Nano. 2015;9.
  13. Kumar S, Kaushik S, Pratap R, Raghavan S. Graphene on paper: A simple, low-cost chemical sensing platform. ACS applied materials & interfaces. 2015;7:2189–2194.
  14. George JBaby, Matthews G, Amrutur B, Sikdar SK. Robot Navigation using Neuroelectronics Hybrid Systems. International Conference on VLSI Design. 2015;.
  15. Chandrasekar H, Vaidyuala KKumar, Suran S, Bhat N, Varma M, Raghavan S, et al. Spotting 2D atomic layers on aluminum nitride thin films. Nanotechnology. 2015;26:425202.
  16. Nair G, Singh HJohnson, Ghosh A. Tuning the chiro-plasmonic response using high refractive index-dielectric templates. Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 2015;3:6831–6835.
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  19. Godthi V, Pratap R. Dynamics of the Cricket Sound Production. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, ASME. doi:10; 2015;.
  20. Jorapur N, Palaparthy VS, S. S, John J, Bhagini MS, Ananthasuresh GK. A Low-power, Low-cost Soil-Moisture Sensors using Dual-probe Heat-pulse Technique. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 2015;233:108–117.
  21. Ghosh P, Kumar S, Ramalingam G, Kochat V, Radhakrishnan M, Dhar S, et al. Insights on defect-mediated heterogeneous nucleation of graphene on copper. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2015;119:2513–2522.
  22. Paria D, Roy K, Singh JH, Kumar S, Raghavan S, Ghosh A, et al. Ultrahigh Field Enhancement and Photoresponse in Atomically Separated Arrays of Plasmonic Dimers. Advanced Materials. 2015;27:1751–1758.
  23. Mohan N, , Soman R, Raghavan S. Integrating AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistor with Si: A comparative study of integration schemes. Journal of Applied Physics. 2015;118:135302.
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  25. Sukumar J, Bhat N. On Analyzing MEMS Based Multiple Energy Domain VLSI Circuits. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience. 2015;12:4459–4466.
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  30. Choudhury TH, Raghavan S. Anodization of sputtered metallic films: The microstructural connection. Scripta Materialia. 2015;105:18–21.
  31. Park PS, Krishnamoorthy S, Bajaj S, Nath DN, Rajan S. Recess-Free Nonalloyed Ohmic Contacts on Graded AlGaN Heterojunction FETs. IEEE Electron Device Letters. 2015;36:226-228.
  32. Kumar S, Kaushik S, Pratap R, Raghavan S. Graphene on Paper: A simple, low-cost chemical sensing platform. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2015;7:2189-2194.
  33. Joseph S, Saraf N, Umamaheswara A, Madakasira V, Bhat N. Role of thermal annealing on SiGe thin films fabricated by PECVD. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing. 2015;40:655–663.
  34. K SShailesh, Das P, Chattopadhyay K, Dutta P. Fracture property correlation of Rheocast EMS and Thixocast 6061 Aluminum Alloy. Solid state Phenomena. 2015;217:405–411.
  35. Sukumar J, Bhat N. A Compiler Based Approach for Design and Analysis of Gyroscopes. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience. 2015;12:4842–4848.
  36. Shakthivel D, Rathkanthiwar S, Raghavan S. Si nanowire growth on sapphire: Classical incubation, reverse reaction, and steady state supersaturation. Journal of Applied Physics. 2015;117:164302.
  37. Malhi CKaur, Pratap R. On the Equivalence of Acoustic Impedance and Squeeze Film Impedance in Micromechanical Resonators. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, ASME. 2015;.
  38. Kancherla AK, Meesala S, Jorwal P, Palanisamy R, Sikdar SK, Sarma SP. A disulfide stabilized beta-sandwich defines the structure of a new cysteine framework M-superfamily conotoxin. ACS Chem Biol. 2015;10.
  39. Rammohan S, Chiplunkar S, Ramya CM, Pratap R. Performance Enhancement of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters using Multilayer and Multistep Beam Configurations. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2015;15:3338-3348.
  40. Bhattacharjee S, Ganapathi KLakshmi, Nath DN, Bhat N. Sulfur treatment for schottky barrier reduction in metal/MoS2 contacts: A new proposal for contact engineering on TMDs. arXiv preprint arXiv:1508.03795. 2015;.
  41. Khatri V, Banerjee G. A Mitigation Technique for Harmonic Downconversion in Wideband Spectrum Sensors. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 2015;64:3226-3238.
  42. Sai R, Kulkarni SD, Bhat SSM, Sundaram NG, Bhat N, Shivashankar SA. Controlled inversion and surface disorder in zinc ferrite nanocrystallites and their effects on magnetic properties. RSC Advances. 2015;5:10267–10274.
  43. Bhargav SDB, Jorapur N, Ananthasuresh GK. Micro-scale Composite Compliant Mechanisms for Evaluating the Bulk Stiffness of MCF-7 Cells. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 2015;91:258–268.
  44. Paria D, Roy K, Singh HJohnson, Kumar S, Raghavan S, Ghosh A, et al. Ultrahigh field enhancement and photoresponse in atomically separated arrays of plasmonic dimers. Advanced Materials. 2015;27:1751–1758.
  45. Yang Z, Nath DN, Zhang Y, Khurgin JB, Rajan S. Common Emitter Current and Voltage Gain in III-Nitride Tunneling Hot Electron Transistors. IEEE Electron Device Letters. 2015;36:436-438.
  46. Dutta A, Gautam R, Chatterjee S, Ariese F, Sikdar SK, Umapathy S. Ascorbate protects neurons against oxidative stress-A Raman Microspectroscopic study. ACS Chemical Neuroscience. 2015;6.
  47. Rajaraman K, Godthi V, Pratap R, Balakrishnan R. A novel acoustic-vibratory multimodal duet. Journal of Experimental Biology. 2015;.
  48. Manna K, Bera AK, Jain M, Elizabeth S, Yusuf SM, Kumar PSA. Structural-modulation-driven spin canting and reentrant glassy magnetic phase in ferromagnetic Lu2MnNiO6. Physical Review B. 91. 2015;91.
  49. Chandrasekar H, Singh M, Raghavan S, Bhat N. Estimation of background carrier concentration in fully depleted GaN films. Semiconductor Science and Technology. 2015;30:115018.
  50. Parmar MM, Gangavarapu PRYasasvi, Naik AK. Dynamic range tuning of graphene nanoresonators. Applied Physics Letters. 2015;107:113108.


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  12. Mohanasundaram SM, Pratap R, Ghosh A. A cantilever resonator with integrated actuation and sensing fabricated using a single step lithography. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2013;13.
  13. Goudar VS, Suran S, Prashanth GR, Varma MM. Detection of Hepatitis B DNA Sequences on Polyelectrolyte Based Non-Covalently Functionalized Flexible Plastic Substrates. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2013;13:4817-4823.
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  3. Pandey AK, Venkatesh KP, Pratap R. Effect of metal coating and residual stress on the resonant frequency of MEMS resonators. Sadhana: Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences. 2009;34.
  4. Hegde S, Thejas , Bhat N. Universal Capacitance Sensor. International J. of Micro and Nano Systems. 2009;1:21–27.
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  1. Gokhale N, Parmar M, Rajanna K, Nayak MM. Piezoelectric zinc oxide thin film for MEMS application: A comparative study. In 2008 3rd International Conference on Sensing Technology. 2008. pp. 543-546.
  2. Mohite SS, Sonti VR, Pratap R. A Compact Squeeze-film Model including Inertia, Compressibility and Rarefaction Effects for Perforated 3D MEMS Structures. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems. 2008;17:709–723.
  3. Pandey AKumar, Pratap R. Effect of Flexural Modes on Squeeze Film Damping In MEMS Cantilever Resonators. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. 2008;17:2475–2484.
  4. Srinivasan R, Bhat N. Optimisation of Gate-Drain/Source Overlap in 90 nm NMOSFETs for Low Noise Amplifier Performance. J. Low Power Electronics, ASP. Low Power Electronics, {ASP} 4; 2008;4:240–246.
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  6. Majumdar K, Bhat N. Bandstructure Effects in Ultra-Thin-Body Double-Gate Field Effect Transistor: A Fullband Analysis. Journal of Applied Physics. 2008;103:114503-114503-9.
  7. Joshua A, Venkataraman V. Quasiequilibrium optical nonlinearities from spin-polarized carriers in GaAs. Phys. Rev B. 2008;77:085202.
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  11. Pandey AKumar, Pratap R. A Semi-Analytical Model for Squeeze-Film Damping Including Rarefaction in a MEMS Torsion Mirror with Complex Geometry. IOP Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. 2008;18.
  12. Harish BP, Bhat N, Patil MB. Hybrid-CV Modeling for Estimating the Variability in Dynamic Power. J. Low Power Electronics ASP. Low Power Electronics {ASP} 4, 263–274; 2008;4:263–274.
  13. Venkatesh C, Bhat N. Reliability Analysis of Torsional MEMS Varactor. IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability. 2008;:129-134.
  14. Brouckaert J, Bogaerts W, Selvaraja SK, Dumon P, Baets R, Van Thourhout D. Planar Concave Grating Demultiplexer with Reflective Bragg Reflector Facets. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters.   K. Nagamatsu, S. Avasthi, J. Jhaveri, J. C. Sturm, “12% Efficient Silicon/PEDOT: PSS Heterojunction Solar Cell Fabricated at smaller than 100 C; 2008;20:309–311.
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  16. Arora A, Gopal R, Dwivedi VK, Shekar C, Ahmad B, Pratap R, et al. Fabricating Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers with Wafer Bonding Technique. Journal of Sensors & Transducers. 2008;93:15–20.
  17. Singh MP, Shalini K, Shivashankar SA, Deepak GC, Bhat N, Shripathi T. Microstructure, crystallinity, and properties of low-pressure MOCVD-grown europium oxide films. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 2008;110:337-343.


  1. Venugopal G, Parmar BJ, Rajanna K, Nayak MM. Multi-point Sensing System for Plantar Pressure Measurement. In Sensors, 2007 IEEE. 2007. pp. 978-981.
  2. Harish BP, Bhat N, Patil MB. Process Variability-Aware Statistical Hybrid Modeling of Dynamic Power Dissipation in 65 nm CMOS Designs. In Computing: Theory and Applications, 2007. ICCTA '07. International Conference on. 2007. pp. 94-98.
  3. Jayaraman B, Bhat N. High Precision 16-bit Readout Gas Sensor Interface in 0.13 #x003BC;m CMOS. In 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 2007. pp. 3071-3074.
  4. Krishnan G, Kshirasagar CU, Ananthasuresh GK, Bhat N. Micromachined High-Resolution Accelerometers. Journal of the Indian Institute of Science. 2007;87.
  5. Weng X, Raghavan S, Acord J, Jain A, Dickey E, Redwing JM. Evolution of Threading Dislocations in MOCVD-Grown GaN films on Si. Journal of Crystal Growth. 300; 2007;300:217–222.
  6. Ghosh A, Hill W, Fischer P. Observation of the Faraday effect via beam deflection in a longitudinal magnetic field. Phys. Rev. A. 2007;76:055402.
  7. Pandey AKumar, Pratap R, Chau FSiong. Influence of Boundary Conditions on the Dynamic Characteristics of Squeeze Films in MEMS Devices. IEEE/ASME Journal of MEMS. 2007;16:893–903.
  8. Pratap R, Arunkumar A. Material Selection for MEMS Devices. Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics. 2007;45.
  9. Sheldon B, Bhandari A, Bower A, Raghavan S, Redwing JM. Steady State Tensile Stresses During Growth of Polycrystalline Films. Acta. Materialia. � Acta 2007;.
  10. Pandey AK, Pratap R, Chau FSiong. Analytical Solution of Modified Reynolds Equation for Squeeze Film Damping in Perforated MEMS Structures. Sensors and Actuators A. 2007;135.
  11. Harish BP, Bhat N, Patil MB. On A Generalized Framework for Modeling the Effects of Process Variations on Circuit Delay Performance. IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. 26(3):pp; 2007;26:606–614.
  12. Mondal S, Venkataraman V. Novel fluorescence detection technique for non-contact temperature sensing in microchip PCR. J. Biochem. Biophys. Methods. 2007;70.
  13. Harish BP, Bhat N, Patil MB. On a Generalized Framework for Modeling the Effects of Process Variations on Circuit Delay Performance Using Response Surface Methodology. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. 2007;26:606-614.
  14. Bhat N. Nanoelectronics Era: Novel Device Technologies Enabling Systems on Chip. Journal of the Indian Institute of Science. 2007;87:61–74.
  15. Palmer BS, Sanchez CA, Naik A, Manheimer MA, Schneidermann JF, Ecthernach PM, et al. Steady state thermodynamics of non-equilibrium quasiparticles in a cooper pair box. Phys. Rev. B. 2007;76:054501.
  16. Pratap R, Mohite S, Pandey AK. Squeeze-Film Effects in MEMS Devices. Journal of Indian Institute of Science. 2007;87.
  17. Ghosh A, Fazal FM, Fischer P. Circular differential double diffraction in chiral media. Opt. Lett. 2007;32.
  18. Bansal B, Dixit VK, Venkataraman V, Bhat HL. Alloying induced degradation of the absorption edge of InAsxSb1 x. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2007;90:101905.


  1. Viveka KR, Ramgopal S, N P, Rajanna K, Nayak MM. Pressure Sensor Based Tsunami Detection System: A Laboratory Study. In 2006 5th IEEE Conference on Sensors. 2006. pp. 1392-1394.
  2. Naik A, Buu O, LaHaye MD, Armour AD, Clerk AA, Blencowe MP, et al. Cooling a nanomechanical resonator with quantum back-action. Nature. 2006;443:193-196.
  3. Harish BP, Bhat N, Patil MB. Analytical modeling of CMOS circuit delay distribution due to concurrent variations in multiple processes. Solid State Electronics. 2006;50:1252-1260.
  4. Mohite SS, Patil N, Pratap R. Design, Modelling and Simulation of Vibratory Micromachined Gyroscopes. Journal of Physics. 2006;34.
  5. Kumar S, Pratap R. Partitioning Design Space for Linear Tuning of Natural Frequencies in Planar Dynamic MEMS Structures. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 2006;125.
  6. Ghosh A, Fischer P. Chiral Molecules Split Light: Reflection and Refraction in a Chiral Liquid. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2006;97:173002.
  7. Ghosh A, Maris HJ. Observation of a New Type of Negative Ion in Superfluid Helium. AIP Conf. Proc. 2006;850.
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  9. Raghavan S, Weng X, Dickey E, Redwing JM. Correlation of Growth Stress and Structural Evolution During MOCVD of GaN on (111) Si. Applied Physics Letters. 2006;88:41904.
  10. Jalan SK, Pratap R. Design of LTCC Micromachined Vibratory Rate Gyroscope Through Finite Element Analysis. Advances in Vibration Engineering. 2006;5.
  11. Sreenivasan R, Bhat N. Effect of Gate-Drain/Source Overlap on the noise in 90nm NMOSFETs. Journal of Applied Physics. 2006;.
  12. Singh MP, Shalini K, Shivashankar SA, Deepak GC, Bhat N. Structural and electrical properties of low pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition grown Eu2O3 films on Si(100). Applied Physics Letters. 2006. p. 201901.


  1. Harish BP, Patil MB, Bhat N. Modeling of the Effects of Process Variations on Circuit Delay at 65nm. In 2005 IEEE Conference on Electron Devices and Solid-State Circuits. 2005. pp. 761-764.
  2. Parmar BJ, Rajanna K, Nayak MM. Suitability of a point-contact SAW-based stiffness transducer for biomedical applications. In IEEE Sensors, 2005. 2005. p. 4 pp.-.
  3. Etzkorn M, Kumar PSA, Vollmer R, Tang W, Zhang Y, Ibach H, et al. High wave vector spin waves in ultrathin Co-films investigated by spin-polarized electron energy loss spectroscopy. In INTERMAG Asia 2005. Digests of the IEEE International Magnetics Conference, 2005. 2005. pp. 75-76.
  4. Srinivasan R, Bhat N. Impact of channel engineering on unity gain frequency and noise-figure in 90nm NMOS transistor for RF applications. In 18th International Conference on VLSI Design held jointly with 4th International Conference on Embedded Systems Design. 2005. pp. 392-396.
  5. Ghosh A, Maris HJ. Observation of a New Type of Electron Bubble in Superfluid Helium. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2005;95:265301.
  6. Sarkar A, Sonti VR, Pratap R. A Coupled FEM-BEM Formulation in Structural Acoustics for Imaging a Material Inclusion. Journal of Acoustics and Vibration. 2005;10.
  7. Gupta A, Bhat N. Asymmetric Cross-Coupled Differential Pair Configuration to Realize Neuron Activation Function and its Derivative. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part II: Express Briefs. 2005;52:10–13.
  8. Mohite SS, V. Kesari H, Sonti R, Pratap R. Analytical Solutions for the Stiffness and Damping Co-efficients of Squeeze Films in MEMS Devices Having Perforated Back Plate. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. 2005;15.
  9. Srinivasan T, Singh SN, Tiwari U, Sharma RK, Muralidharan R, Rao DVSridhar, et al. Structural and photoluminescence characteristics of molecular beam epitaxy-grown vertically aligned In0.33Ga0.67As/GaAs quantum dots. Journal of Crystal Growth. 2005;280.
  10. Srinivasaiah HC, Bhat N. Characterization of Sub-100nm CMOS Process Using Screening Experiment Technique. Solid State Electronics. 2005;49:431-436.
  11. Venkatesh C, Patil S, Bhat N, Pratap R. A Torsional MEMS Varactor with Wide Dynamic Range and Low Actuation Voltage. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 2005;121.
  12. Srinivasan R, Bhat N. Scaling Characteristics of fNQS and ft in NMOSFETs with and without Supply Voltage Scaling. Journal of the Indian Institute of Science. 2005;85.
  13. Gupta A, Bhat N. On the Performance Analysis of a Class of Neuron Circuits. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing. 2005;44:293–302.
  14. Srinivasan R, Bhat N. Scaling Characteristics of fNQS and ft in NMOSFETs with Uniform and Non-uniform Channel Doping. International Journal of Electronics. Vol 92, No 12; 2005;92.


  1. Singh R, Bhat N. An Offset Compensation Technique for Latch Type Sense Amplifier in High Speed Low Power SRAMs. IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems. 2004;:652–657.
  2. Acord JD, Raghavan S, Snyder DW, Redwing JM. In-situ Stress Measurements During MOCVD Growth of High Al-content AlGaN on SiC. Journal of Crystal Growth. 272; 2004;272:65–71.
  3. Raghavan S, Redwing JM. In-situ stress measurements during the MOCVD growth of AlN buffer layers on (111) Si substrates. Journal of Crystal Growth. 2004;261:294-300.
  4. Raghavan S, Redwing JM. Intrinsic Stresses in AlN layers grown by MOCVD on (0001) sapphire and (111) Si substrates. Journal of Applied Physics. 96; 2004;96:2995–3003.
  5. Bhat N. MEMS for RF Applications. IETE Technical Review. 2004;21.
  6. Singh MP, Thakur CS, Shalini K, Banerjee S, Bhat N, Shivashankar SA. Structural, Optical, and Electrical Characterization of Gadolinium Oxide Films Deposited by Low-pressure Metalorganic Chemical Vapour Deposition. Journal of Applied Physics. 2004;96:5631–5637.
  7. S. Mohan J, Pratap R. A Natural Classifications of Vibration Models of Polygonal Ducts Based on Group Theoretic Analysis. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2004;269.
  8. Raghavan S, Wang H, Porter WG, Dinwiddie RB, Vassen R, Mayo MJ. 20 mol % Y(Ta/Nb)O4 Doped Zirconia Thermal Barrier Coatings. Journal of The American Ceramic Society. 2004;87:431-437.
  9. Gupta A, Bhat N. Back-Gate Effect to Generate Derivative of Neuron Activation Function. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing. 2004;41:89–92.
  10. Ghosh A, Maris H. Cavitation in superfluid helium possibly arising from penning ionization of dimers. Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 2004;134.
  11. Pogrebnyakov A, Redwing JM, Raghavan S, Vaithyanathan V, Schlom DG, Xu SY, et al. Increasing Superconducting Transition Temperature in MGB2 by Strain Induced Bond-Stretching Mode Softening. Physical Review Letters. 2004;93:147006–1–4.
  12. Maitra K, Bhat N. Impact of Gate to Source/Drain Overlap Length on 80 nm CMOS Circuit Performance. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. 2004;:409–414.
  13. Maris HJ, Ghosh A, Konstantinov D, Hirsch M. Experiments to study the effect of light on electron bubbles in liquid helium. Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 2004;134.
  14. Jain A, Raghavan S, Redwing JM. Evolution of Surface Morphology and Film Stress during MOCVD growth of InN on Sapphire Substrates. Journal of Crystal Growth. 269; 2004;269:128–133.


  1. Saxena PK, Bhat N. SEU Reliability Improvement Due to Source-Side Charge Collection in the Deep-Submicron SRAM Cell. IEEE Transactions on Device and Material Reliability. 2003;:14–17.
  2. Saxena PK, Bhat N. Process technique for SEU reliability improvement of deep sub-micron SRAM cell. Solid-State Electronics. 2003;47:661–664.
  3. Singh MP, Thakur CS, Shalini K, Bhat N, Shivashankar SA. Structural and Electrical Characterization of Erbium Oxide Films Grown on Si(100) by Low-pressure Metalorganic Chemical Vapour Deposition. Applied Physics Letters. 2003;.
  4. Srinivasaiah HC, Bhat N. Monte Carlo Analysis of the Implant Dose Sensitivity in 0.1 nm NMOSFET. Solid-State Electronics. 2003;47/8:1379–1383.
  5. Reddy CK, Pratap R. Multimodal Map and Complex Basin of Attraction of a Simple Hopper. Physical Review E. 2003;68.
  6. Patil S, Venkatesh C, Bhat N, Pratap R. Voltage Controlled Oscillator using Tunable MEMS Resonator. International Journal of Computational Engineering Science. 2003;4.
  7. Saxena PK, Bhat N. SEU reliability improvement due to source-side charge collection in the deep-submicron SRAM cell. IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability. 2003;3:14-17.
  8. Srinivasaiah HC, Bhat N. Mixed Mode Simulation Approach to Characterize the Circuit Delay Sensitivity to Implant Dose Variations. IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. 2003;22:742–747.
  9. Bhat N, Thakur CS. Analog CMOS Performance Degradation due to Edge Direct Tunneling (EDT) Current in sub-100nm Technology. Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science. 2003;.
  10. Pandey AK, Pratap R. Studies in Nonlinear Effects of Squeeze Film Damping in MEMS Structures. International Journal of Computational Engineering Science. 2003;4.


  1. Varadan VK, Vinoy KJ, Jose KA. RF MEMS and their Applications. London: John Wiley; 2002.
  2. S. Mohan J, Pratap R. A Group Theoretic Approach to the Linear Free Vibration Analysis of Shells with Dihedral Symmetry. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2002;252.
  3. Chatterjee A, Reddy CK, Ruina A. Persistent Passive Hopping and Juggling is Possible Even with Plastic Collisions. International Journal of Robotics Research. 2002;21.
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