Supradeepa V R
Associate Professor
Room No: TF 07
Group Webpage:
• Ph.D. Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2011, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA.
• B.Tech. Engineering Physics, 2006, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India.
• Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Aug 2014 – Present.
• Inspire Faculty Fellow, Department of Science and Technology, India, Aug 2014-Present.
• Member of Technical Staff, OFS Laboratories, Somerset, NJ, USA, 2011-2014.
Research Interests
• High Power Fiber Lasers
• Nonlinear Optical Frequency Conversion
• Integrated Photonics
• Optical Frequency Combs and Metrology
• High Bandwidth Optical Communications
Research Area
Photonics, Optical Data/Tele-Communications, Nonlinear Optics in Fibers and Integrated Nanophotonic Devices, Fiber Lasers and Amplifiers, Optical Frequency Combs and Ultrafast Lasers, Optical Signal Processing
Recent Publications
- Choudhury, V., Khandekar, C., Boddeti, A. K., Jishi, A., Erkovan, M., Sentz, T., … & Supradeepa V.R., Jacob, Z. (2024). Computational Kerr ellipsometry: Quantifying broadband optical nonreciprocity of magneto-optic materials. Physical Review B, 109(5), 054433.
- Lakshmi, C. G., & Supradeepa, V. R. (2024, March). A novel detection mechanism for nonlinear distortions in ultrashort pulses transmitted through dynamic fiber optic links. In Frontiers in Ultrafast Optics: Biomedical, Scientific, and Industrial Applications XXIV (Vol. 12875, pp. 30-34). SPIE.
- Dash, S., Deheri, R., & Supradeepa, V. R. (2024, March). Linewidth control of cascaded Raman fiber lasers and visible conversion. In Fiber Lasers XXI: Technology and Systems(Vol. 12865, pp. 117-121). SPIE.
- Hudda, R. K., Supradeepa, V. R., & Balaswamy, V. (2024, March). Low intensity noise continuous wave supercontinuum generation in standard telecom fiber. In Fiber Lasers XXI: Technology and Systems(Vol. 12865, pp. 122-124). SPIE.
- Dash, S., Deheri, R., & Supradeepa, V. R. (2024). Linewidth reduced cascaded Raman fiber lasers and their harmonic conversion for visible laser sources. Optics Express, 32(12), 20629-20637.
Key Publications
- Prakash, R., Vikram, B. S., & Supradeepa, V. R. (2021). Enhancing the efficacy of noise modulation for SBS suppression in high power, narrow linewidth fiber lasers by the incorporation of sinusoidal modulation. IEEE Photonics Journal, 13(5), 1-6.
- Arun, S., Choudhury, V., Balaswamy, V., & Supradeepa, V. R. (2020). Octave-spanning, continuous-wave supercontinuum generation with record power using standard telecom fibers pumped with power-combined fiber lasers. Optics letters, 45(5), 1172-1175.
- Balaswamy, V., Ramachandran, S., & Supradeepa, V. R. (2019). High-power, cascaded random Raman fiber laser with near complete conversion over wide wavelength and power tuning. Optics Express, 27(7), 9725-9732.