[Seminar] : “MEMS Nanomechanical Beam-Membrane Sensors with Passive & FET based Active Transduction Schemes
Speaker: Dr. V. Seena, Department of Avionics, Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Department of Space, Government of India, Valiamala, Thiruvananthapuram.
Title: “MEMS Nanomechanical Beam-Membrane Sensors with Passive & FET based Active Transduction Schemes”
Date: Thursday, January 23rd 2025 – Time: 3:30 PM
Hi-Tea & Coffee: 4: 30 PM
Venue: CeNSE Seminar Hall
MEMS sensors and devices have numerous applications spanning across consumer gadgets, automotive electronics, biomedical, space, industrial medical, defence etc. Silicon and derived materials have been the primary materials in nanoelectronics and hence in Microsystems (Micro Electro Mechnaical Systems- MEMS) too. However, over the last decade, many classes of microsystems have been demonstrated using alternative materials like polymers and ceramics for reducing the cost of fabrication with inherent benefit of improved sensor performance. Among these MEMS devices, nanomechanical cantilevers (NMC) could find applications in the realization of many physical, chemical, and biological sensors. Introduction of structural modification to NMC sensor combined with agile transduction schemes provide ultra-sensitive nanomechanical sensors. Despite the wide and increasing demands for MEMS-based devices such as sensors and actuators in diverse applications, unlike conventional semiconductor technologies like CMOS/VLSI, the design and fabrication of MEMS/Microsystems are not fully standardized. Most of the commercially available MEMS sensors are based on passive transduction mechanisms such as capacitive or piezoresistive with inherent performance limitations. FET based active transduction schemes have the potential to overcome these limitations with ease in CMOS-MEMS integration as an additional merit. This talk would give a brief overview of our attempts towards indigenous development of different MEMS sensors using silicon and Polymer MEMS technologies and the scope for CMOS-MEMS integration.
Dr. Seena V. received Ph.D. in Microelectronics, Department of Electrical Engineering with an “Award for Excellence in Ph.D Thesis” from IIT Bombay. She served as a faculty member at IIT Jodhpur and as R& D Consultant for NanoSniff Technologies Pvt. Ltd., SINE, IIT Bombay. She is currently a Professor in the Dept. of Avionics Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST).
She has more than 15 years of research expertise in the field of Semiconductors-Microelectronics, Nano Electro Mechanical Sensor Systems(MEMS/NEMS), CMOS-MEMS, Polymer MEMS etc. She is a recipient of awards such as: NASI-Young Scientist Platinum Jubilee Award’, The National Academy of Sciences, India (2012), ‘SERB Women Excellence Award’ from SERB, DST)(2015-2018), Kerala State Young Scientist Award , Govt. of Kerala (2016), ‘IEI Young Engineer Award’, (2014-2015), Gandhian Young Technological Innovation Award-2012 for “Ultra-sensitive, low cost Hand held Explosive Detector System” , Sponsored by SRISTI and National Innovation Foundation, India at IIM Ahmedabad and Tata Consultancy Services fellowship for doctoral studies at IIT Bombay (2006-2011). Some of the graduated students from her research group are serving leading semiconductor industries like IMEC Belgium, Intel etc. while some others from her group are pursuing their research in academic institutions like IISc.
Host Faculty: Prof. Saurabh Chandorkar