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On Analyzing MEMS Based Multiple Energy Domain VLSI Circuits

TitleOn Analyzing MEMS Based Multiple Energy Domain VLSI Circuits
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsSukumar, J, Bhat, N
JournalJournal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience
KeywordsCAD; Co-Simulation; MEMS; VLSI

Techniques for analysis of multiple energy domain circuits by use of hybrid macromodeling and convolution based approaches have been proposed. In the first approach we synchronize transient variables of mechanical and electrical domains within a circuit simulation framework to obtain a seamless analysis platform across multiple energy domains. In the second approach, we employ the concept of convolution in space and time variables to unify, analysis across energy domains. A micromechanical beam has been analyzed for temperature variation along its length, resulting in thermal stress. Beam deflection has then been computed due to this thermal stress and its effect on capacitance variation has been analyzed.
