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Welcome to the CeNSE Placement. This page has the information for potential employers and employees.

Student Profile: We create India’s best talent for semiconductor fabrication technology and nanoscience. We award Masters and PhD degrees . We also have highly qualified staff members with deep hands-on experience. Semiconductor is an interdisciplinary technology,  so our students and staff come from all streams of science and engineering, like electronics, power engineering, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, materials science and engineering, physics, and chemistry.

  • The profiles of both MTech and PhD students can be found here

Skills: Our students and staff will have hands-on experience in thin-film deposition, lithography, wet and dry etching, electrical measurements, microscopy, and process integration. Depending on background and interests, students may also have expertise in structure-property correlations, VLSI design, equipment design, and circuits. All our academic programs have significant lab and project components to develop hands-on skills.

Target Industry: Our target employers are industries in any area of semiconductor technology, like foundries, equipment manufacturers, material or sub-assembly suppliers, services, or design. Typical sectors include advanced logic, memory, sensors, displays, photonics, lasers, electronic systems, OEM, IoT, and solar cells. We are also relevant to new sectors like the Bio-nano interface for diagnostics and drug delivery. If the Digital India Mission or the India Semiconductor Mission excite you, please contact us.

Engagement: Please contact us with your workforce needs. We support all types of engagements, from short-term internships to full-time employment. If you wish to advertise your positions, please send an email with relevant details to

  • Full-time placement: We maintain a list of students seeking jobs. The list can be shared.
  • Internships: Students can join short-term summer internships, up to a year-long industry internships, or something in between. Students can execute part of their thesis project at industry.

Students or staff seeking jobs can register on our portal.

Open Position:

Useful documents:

Contact information: