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Bandwidth scaling of silicon modulator-based combs using multi-carriers and frequency offset locking

TitleBandwidth scaling of silicon modulator-based combs using multi-carriers and frequency offset locking
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsNagarjun, KP, Prakash, R, Vikram, BS, Arora, S, Jeyaselvan, V, Selvaraja, SKumar, Supradeepa, VR
JournalOSA Continuum

Optical frequency combs can be generated on-chip in silicon modulators through large signal modulation of an optical carrier. In this paper, a technique for bandwidth scale frequency combs generated from linear silicon modulators is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. This is accomplished by locking two frequency combs using a heterodyne optical frequency locked loop. We demonstrate here a proof of concept experiment of bandwidth-scaling of optical frequency combs generated in a silicon PN-modulator by frequency locking two 10 GHz repetition rate combs (6 lines each, 20-dB bandwidth), individually generated from two lasers offset by 50 GHz to each other using their respective overlapping comb lines. The resultant beat signal is stabilized at a heterodyne offset of 75 MHz to within a 3 dB linewidth of 4.305 MHz to achieve a bandwidth-scaled composite comb with 11 lines.