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Fission of Multielectron Bubbles in Liquid Helium Under Electric Fields

TitleFission of Multielectron Bubbles in Liquid Helium Under Electric Fields
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsVadakkumbatt, V, Ghosh, A
JournalJournal of Low Temperature Physics
KeywordsMultielectron bubbles

Multielectron bubbles (MEBs) are cavities in liquid helium which contain a layer of electrons trapped within few nanometres from their inner surfaces. These bubbles are promising candidates to probe a system of interacting electrons in curved geometries, but have been subjected to limited experimental investigation. Here, we report on the observation of fission of MEBs under strong electric fields, which arises due to fast rearrangement of electrons inside the bubbles, leading to their deformation and eventually instability. We measured the electrons to be distributed unequally between the daughter bubbles which could be used to control the charge density inside MEBs.