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National Nanofabrication Centre at IISc Bangalore: A Chronicle of Design, Construction and Management of Cleanroom in Indian Context

TitleNational Nanofabrication Centre at IISc Bangalore: A Chronicle of Design, Construction and Management of Cleanroom in Indian Context
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsMurthy, TUMS, Vijayaraghavan, MN, Savitha, P, Hegde, G, Raghavan, S, Kumar, PSA, Pratap, R, Bhat, N
Conference Name2012 19th Biennial University/Government/Industry, Micro/Nano Symposium (UGIM)
Date PublishedJuly
Keywordsclean rooms, cleanroom, Context, Contracts, Educational institutions, IISc Bangalore, Indian context, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, Materials processing, multiuser open access nanofab facility, nanoelectronics, nanofabrication, national nanofabrication centre, Substrates

We present the evolution of the state-of-the-art multiuser, open access, Nanofab facility at the Indian Institute of Science Bangalore. The process behind the design and execution of the cleanroom will be described. The challenges faced in moving the equipments from the old facility and the issues in coordinating installation of new equipments and utility hookup will be presented. The methodology used to manage the facility, challenges in staffing to run the facility and balancing the time sharing between internal and external users will be discussed.
