Title | Octave-spanning, continuous-wave supercontinuum generation with record power using standard telecom fibers pumped with power-combined fiber lasers |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2020 |
Authors | Arun, S, Choudhury, V, Balaswamy, V, Supradeepa, VR |
Journal | Optics letters |
Volume | 45 |
Pagination | 1172–1175 |
Abstract | We have demonstrated a record output power of ∼72W, octave-spanning, nearly single-mode, continuous-wave supercontinuum with a bandwidth of ∼1050nm using standard telecom fiber as the nonlinear medium in an all-fiber architecture. We have utilized the recently proposed nonlinear power combining architecture by which power scaling is achieved using multiple independent Ytterbium lasers operating at different wavelengths. In this Letter, Raman conversions in the fiber assist in combining multiple input laser lines into a single wavelength which then undergoes supercontinuum generation. The architecture is based on the recently proposed grating-free, cascaded Raman lasers based on distributed feedback. Here all Raman conversions are well seeded, thereby enhancing the efficiency of supercontinuum generation to ∼44%. In this Letter, we have obtained power spectral densities (PSDs) of >3mW/nm from 850 to 1350 nm and a high PSD of >100mW/nm from 1350 to 1900 nm. Here we have also investigated the power-combined supercontinuum generation for different pump wavelength combinations demonstrating the flexibility of this technique. |
URL | https://doi.org/10.1364/OL.384690 |