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A Pedagogical Introduction to Biomarker Detection in Surface-Based Biosensors

TitleA Pedagogical Introduction to Biomarker Detection in Surface-Based Biosensors
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsPrakash, P, Varma, M
JournalJournal of Chemical Education
KeywordsBinding Kinetics, Molecular Transpor, Quantitative Analysis Computer Aided Learning, Rate Law, t Interdisciplinary, Upper-Division Undergraduate

The field of biosensors is a burgeoning area of research and employs a large number of chemistry graduates. The impact of strip tests in detecting coronavirus was palpable during the recent COVID-19 pandemic and will further drive the biosensor industry. Despite their common usage, a coherent introduction to the basics of sensing remains missing from the chemistry curriculum. Through this work, key concepts of transport and noise interference in molecular sensing aimed at upper-level coursework are introduced. Exercises including teamwork activities are proposed for teaching and inquiry-based learning. The presented approach was effective in solidifying the concepts of molecular transport and competing binding kinetics. Furthermore, students are introduced to an online database on biomarkers and open-source binding affinity resources. The material can be seamlessly integrated into the existing coursework by expanding discussions on binding kinetics and equilibrium.