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Plasma Oxidized Suspended Core-Shell Nanostructures for High Performance Metal Oxide Gas sensors

TitlePlasma Oxidized Suspended Core-Shell Nanostructures for High Performance Metal Oxide Gas sensors
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsBenedict, S, Bhat, N
Conference Name2019 Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing Conference (EDTM)
KeywordsGas detectors, Metals, Nanostructures, oxidation, Plasmas, Temperature sensors

We report on the novel technique of creating core-shell metal-metal oxide high performance gas sensors using plasma oxidation of a suspended metal thin film. We demonstrate that this technique is very generic by realizing Pt-PtOx and W-WOx nanostructured sensors. The optimization technique for plasma oxidation is elucidated. We also propose an improvisation technique to create nano discs on top of suspended core-shell metal-metal oxide sensor to further enhance the performance.
