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Power and Bandwidth Scaling of Electro-Optic Frequency Comb using Cascaded Four-Wave Mixing in a loop augmented by Tailored Optical Feedback

TitlePower and Bandwidth Scaling of Electro-Optic Frequency Comb using Cascaded Four-Wave Mixing in a loop augmented by Tailored Optical Feedback
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsPrakash, R, Vikram, BS, Nagarjun, KP, Selvaraja, SKumar, Supradeepa, VR
Conference NameCLEO: Science and Innovations
PublisherOptical Society of America

We demonstrate power and bandwidth scaling of electro-optic frequency combs using cascaded four-wave mixing in a loop augmented by tailored optical feedback. We achieve ~98 lines in a 25GHz C-band frequency comb spanning 20nm.
