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Sensitivity analysis of tunable double microring resonator based intensity sensor

TitleSensitivity analysis of tunable double microring resonator based intensity sensor
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsPrashanth, R, Selvaraja, SK, Varma, MM
Conference NameEmerging Electronics (ICEE), 2014 IEEE 2nd International Conference on
Date PublishedDec
Keywordselemental semiconductors, index tuned silicon photonic sensor, Indexes, intensity measurement, intensity sensor, liquid analytes, microcavities, micromechanical resonators, Microring resonators, microsensors, Optical filters, Optical resonators, Photonics, refractive index, refractive index measurement, Resonator filters, sensitivity analysis, Si, silicon, Silicon photonics, tunable double microring resonator, Tuning

We propose an index tuned silicon photonic sensor capable of measuring refractive indices of liquid analytes. This sensor uses two microring resonators in cascaded configuration. Conventional double microring resonators display high sensitivity but limited range of detection. We show that the range of detection can be enhanced by more than an order of magnitude by using index tuning.

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