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Trapping Multielectron Bubbles Using a Point Paul Trap

TitleTrapping Multielectron Bubbles Using a Point Paul Trap
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsPradhan, DKumar, Yadav, N, Rath, PKishore, Ghosh, A
JournalJournal of Low Temperature Physics

We demonstrate an experimental setup to trap multielectron bubbles in bulk liquid He4 using a point Paul trap. The experimental configuration is based on dc and rf electric fields applied to planar electrodes such as to trap the bubbles at a certain location. We have performed numerical simulations to estimate the experimental parameters at which stable trapping can occur, which matched with the experimental results. Compared to the linear Paul traps reported earlier by our group, point Paul traps allow more efficient loading and better optical access for viewing the trapped bubbles, and will allow simultaneous storage and investigation of multiple electron bubbles in the future.