M.E. Electrical Communication Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
B.E. Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Jadavpur University, Jadavpur.
Ph.D (CeNSE, IISc)
Fabrication of 3d structures using e-beam and thermal evaporation
Study of dynamics of magnetically actuated helical swimmers in rotating field
Study of magnetically actuated active matter system
Optical tweezer
A. Ghosh, P. Mandal, S. Karmakar, A. Ghosh, ” Analytical theory and stability analysis of an elongated nanoscale object under external torque”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2013, DOI: 10.1039/c3cp50701g.
Mandal, P. and Ghosh, A., 2013. Observation of enhanced diffusivity in magnetically powered reciprocal swimmers. Physical review letters, 111(24), p.248101.
Mandal, P., Chopra, V. and Ghosh, A., 2015. Independent positioning of magnetic nanomotors. ACS nano, 9(5), pp.4717-4725.
Mandal, P., Patil, G., Kakoty, H. and Ghosh, A., Active matter based on helical propulsion. Accounts of chemical research. "submitted", Manuscript ID: ar-2018-00315v
“A Method and a System for Rheological Measurements” by Arijit Ghosh, Pranay Mandal and Ambarish Ghosh; Indian Patent Application No. 715/CHE/2015.
Conference and Seminars
Pranay Mandal, A. Ghosh, “Magnetically Actuated Reciprocal Swimmers”, CeNSE Student Research Symposium, Centre for Nano Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, 2014 (Best oral presentation).
Pranay Mandal, and A. Ghosh, “Independent Positioning of Nano Swimmers”, Bangalore School on Statistical Physics, Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, India, 2015 (Poster).
Pranay Mandal, and A. Ghosh, “Magnetically Actuated Non-Reciprocal Swimmers”, Compflu, Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research, Pune, India, 2016 (Poster).
Pranay Mandal, and A. Ghosh, “Experimental Realization of All-Magnetic Active Matter”, Gordon Research Seminar, Materials by Design: Using Active and Meta-Materials to Explore New Physics and Create Customized, Tunable Matter, Soft Matter in and out of Equilibrium, 2017 (Oral Presentation).
Pranay Mandal, and A. Ghosh, “Experimental Realization of All-Magnetic Active Matter”, Gordon Research Conference, Soft Matter in and out of Equilibrium, 2017 (Poster).