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Methods for attaining high interband tunneling current in III-Nitrides

TitleMethods for attaining high interband tunneling current in III-Nitrides
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsGrowden, TA, Krishnamoorthy, S, Nath, DN, Ramesh, A, Rajan, S, Berger, PR
Conference NameDevice Research Conference (DRC), 2012 70th Annual
Date PublishedJune
KeywordsAlGaN, aluminium compounds, confmement barriers, forward interband tunneling current density, gallium compounds, high interband tunneling current, hysteresis effects, III-V semiconductors, indium, traps, tunnel diodes, tunnelling, wide band gap semiconductors

In conclusion, the authors have reported an increase in forward interband tunneling current density from 17.7 A/cm2 [2] to 39.8 kA/cm2 by applying outside AIGaN confmement barriers and 6-doping to a common structure. Some of the devices still exhibit hysteresis effects caused by traps, but some seem to display less of an effect, which needs to be studied further to provide stability. Optimization of the barrier thickness and Indium composition must also be performed to continue to push the peak current density up in value
