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P. Fischer, Ghosh, A. , W. Premasiri, R. , and Ziegler, L. D. , Nanostructured Plasmonic Surfaces for Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering of Bacteria, in XXII International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, 2010, vol. 1267, pp. 994–995.
P. Fischer and Ghosh, A. , Magnetically actuated propulsion at low Reynolds numbers: towards nanoscale control, Nanoscale, vol. 3, p. 557, 2011.
V. Gaddam, Joshi, S. , Parmar, M. , Rajanna, K. , and Nayak, M. M. , A novel piezoelectric ZnO nanogenerator on flexible metal alloy substrate, in Sensors, 2012 IEEE, 2012, pp. 1-4.
J. S. Gaggatur, Dixena, P. K. , and Banerjee, G. , A 3.2 mW 0.13 ¿¿m high sensitivity frequency-domain CMOS capacitance interface, in 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2016, pp. 1070-1073.
J. S. Gaggatur and Banerjee, G. , Integrated temperature sensor for reconfigurable radio frequency synthesizer, in Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (CONECCT), 2015 IEEE International Conference on, 2015, pp. 1-6.
J. S. Gaggatur, Khatri, V. , Raja, I. , Lenka, M. K. , and Banerjee, G. , Differential multi-phase DLL for reconfigurable radio frequency synthesizer, in Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (IEEE CONECCT), 2014 IEEE International Conference on, 2014, pp. 1-5.
S. Gali, Raghunathan, V. , and Selvaraja, S. Kumar, Silicon nitride waveguide platform for on-chip spectroscopy at visible and NIR wavelengths, in Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XXIV, 2020.
K. Lakshmi Ganapathi, Bhattacharjee, S. , Mohan, S. , and Bhat, N. , High-performance HfO 2 back gated multilayer MoS 2 transistors, IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 37, pp. 797–800, 2016.
K. Lakshmi Ganapathi, Bhat, N. , and Mohan, S. , Optimization and integration of ultrathin e-beam grown HfO2 gate dielectrics in MoS2 transistors, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 54, p. 445302, 2021.
K. L. Ganapathi, Bhattacharjee, S. , Mohan, S. , and Bhat, N. , High-Performance HfO2 Back Gated Multilayer MoS2 Transistors, IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 37, pp. 797-800, 2016.
K. L. Ganapathi, Bhat, N. , and Mohan, S. , Optimization of oxygen flow rate for e-beam evaporated HfO2 thin films, in Emerging Electronics (ICEE), 2012 International Conference on, 2012, pp. 1-4.
P. R. Yasasvi Gangavarapu, Sharma, A. Mankala Ra, and Naik, A. K. , PECVD grown silicon nitride ultra-thin films for CNTFETs, Semiconductor Science and Technology, vol. 34, p. 065018, 2019.
P. R. Yasasvi Gangavarapu, Lokesh, P. C. , Bhat, K. N. , and Naik, A. K. , Graphene Electrodes as Barrier-Free Contacts for Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistors, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 64, pp. 4335–4339, 2017.
J. Baby George, Matthews, G. , Amrutur, B. , and Sikdar, S. K. , Robot Navigation using Neuroelectronics Hybrid Systems, International Conference on VLSI Design, 2015.
J. Baby George, Amrutur, B. , and Sikdar, S. , Input coding for neuro-electronic hybrid systems, in 4th IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, 2013.
J. B. George, Abraham, G. M. , Singh, K. , Ankolekar, S. M. , Amrutur, B. , and Sikdar, S. K. , Input coding for neuro-electronic hybrid systems, Biosystems, vol. 126, pp. 1-11, 2014.
S. Ghatak, Banerjee, A. , and Sikdar, S. K. , Ischaemic concentrations of lactate increase TREK 1 channel activity by interacting with a single histidine residue in the carboxy terminal domain, Journal of Physiology (Lond.), vol. 594, pp. 59–81, 2016.
A. Ghose, Kumar, A. , Raj, S. , Modak, C. Dey, Tripathy, A. , and Sen, P. , Fabrication of polymer-based water-repellent surfaces of complex shapes by physical transfer of nanostructures, ISSS Journal of Micro and Smart Systems, pp. 1–10, 2020.
A. Ghosh, Paria, D. , Singh, H. J. , Venugopalan, P. L. , and Ghosh, A. , Dynamical Configurations and Bistability of Helical Nanostructures under External Torque, Physical Review E, vol. 86, p. 031401, 2012.
A. Ghosh, Mandal, P. , Karmakar, S. , and Ghosh, A. , Analytical theory and stability analysis of an elongated nanoscale object under external torque, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 15, pp. 10817–10823, 2013.
S. Ghosh and Ghosh, A. , Next generation optical nanotweezers for dynamic manipulation: from surface to bulk, Langmuir, 2020.
A. Ghosh, Paria, D. , and Ghosh, A. , Velocity Fluctuations in Helical Propulsion: How Small Can a Propeller Be, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, vol. 5, pp. 62–68, 2014.
S. Ghosh, Ilango, M. Sridar, Prajapati, C. Shekhar, and Bhat, N. , Reduction of Humidity Effect in WO3 Thin Film-Based NO2 Sensor Using Physiochemical Optimization, Crystal Research and Technology, p. 2000155, 2020.
S. Ghosh and Ghosh, A. , Mobile nanotweezers for active colloidal manipulation, Science Robotics, vol. 3, p. eaaq0076, 2018.
A. Ghosh and Maris, H. J. , Observation of a New Type of Electron Bubble in Superfluid Helium, Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 95, p. 265301, 2005.
