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T. Srinivasan, Singh, S. N. , Tiwari, U. , Sharma, R. K. , Muralidharan, R. , Rao, D. V. Sridhar, Balamuralikrishnan, R. , and Muraleedharan, K. , Structural and photoluminescence characteristics of molecular beam epitaxy-grown vertically aligned In0.33Ga0.67As/GaAs quantum dots, Journal of Crystal Growth, vol. 280, 2005.
T. Srinivasan, Mishra, P. , Jangir, S. K. , Raman, R. , Rao, D. V. Sridhar, Rawal, D. S. , and Muralidharan, R. , Molecular Beam Epitaxy growth and characterization of silicon – Doped InAs dot in a well quantum dot infrared photo detector (DWELL-QDIP), Infrared Physics & Technology, vol. 70, 2014.
R. Srinivasan and Bhat, N. , Scaling Characteristics of fNQS and ft in NMOSFETs with and without Supply Voltage Scaling, Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, vol. 85, 2005.
R. Srinivasan and Bhat, N. , Impact of channel engineering on unity gain frequency and noise-figure in 90nm NMOS transistor for RF applications, in 18th International Conference on VLSI Design held jointly with 4th International Conference on Embedded Systems Design, 2005, pp. 392-396.
H. C. Srinivasaiah and Bhat, N. , Monte Carlo Analysis of the Implant Dose Sensitivity in 0.1 nm NMOSFET, Solid-State Electronics, vol. 47/8, pp. 1379–1383, 2003.
H. C. Srinivasaiah and Bhat, N. , Mixed Mode Simulation Approach to Characterize the Circuit Delay Sensitivity to Implant Dose Variations, IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 22, pp. 742–747, 2003.
H. C. Srinivasaiah and Bhat, N. , Characterization of Sub-100nm CMOS Process Using Screening Experiment Technique, Solid State Electronics, vol. 49, pp. 431-436, 2005.
S. Sridevi, Vasu, K. S. , Asokan, S. , and Sood, A. K. , Sensitive detection of C-reative protein using optical fiber Bragg gratings, Biosensors and Bioelec. 65, vol. 65, 2014.
T. Sreenivasulu, Kolli, V. R. , Tarimala, B. , Hegde, G. , Sangineni, M. , and Talabattula, S. , Super defect inside photonic crystal ring resonator to enhance Q factor, Optical Engineering, vol. 55, p. 035103, 2016.
T. Sreenivasulu, Kolli, V. Rao, Yadunath, T. R. , Badrinarayana, T. , Sahu, A. , Hegde, G. , Mohan, S. , and Srinivas, T. , Photonic crystal-based force sensor to measure sub-micro newton forces over a wide range., Current Science (00113891), vol. 110, 2016.
R. Sreenivasan and Bhat, N. , Effect of Gate-Drain/Source Overlap on the noise in 90nm NMOSFETs, Journal of Applied Physics, 2006.
C. Sow, Samal, D. , Kumar, P. S. A. , Bera, A. K. , and Yusuf, S. M. , Structural-modulation driven low-temperature glassy behaviour in SrRuO3, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 85, p. 224426, 2012.
N. S. Somayaji, Kotian, H. Shankar, Abdulla, A. Z. , Harkar, S. , Singh, V. , and Varma, M. M. , Statistics of single cell trajectories in a bacterial swarm, in APS Meeting Abstracts, 2019.
R. Soman, Raghavan, S. , and Bhat, N. , An in situ monitored and controlled etch process to suppress Mg memory effects in MOCVD GaN growth on Si substrate, Semiconductor Science and Technology, vol. 34, p. 125011, 2019.
S. V. Solanke, Soman, R. , Rangarajan, M. , Raghavan, S. , and Nath, D. N. , UV/Near-IR dual band photodetector based on p-GaN/${$$\backslash$alpha$}$-In2Se3 heterojunction, arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.13770, 2020.
J. Singh, Sharma, V. , Chandorkar, S. , and Sen, P. , Bacterial Force on Nanopillars: Interaction at Single Cell, in 2021 21st International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers), 2021.
S. Singh and Selvaraja, S. Kumar, Sputter-deposited PZT-on-Silicon electro-optic modulator, in 2021 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), 2021.
H. Johnson Singh and Ghosh, A. , Chiro-optical response in helically arranged achiral dielectric nanoparticles, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, vol. 6, pp. 2430–2434, 2018.
M. P. Singh, Shalini, K. , Shivashankar, S. A. , Deepak, G. C. , Bhat, N. , and Shripathi, T. , Microstructure, crystallinity, and properties of low-pressure MOCVD-grown europium oxide films, Materials Chemistry and Physics, vol. 110, pp. 337-343, 2008.
H. Johnson Singh and Ghosh, A. , Large and tunable chiro-optical response with all dielectric helical nanomaterials, ACS Photonics, vol. 5, pp. 1977–1985, 2018.
R. Singh and Bhat, N. , An Offset Compensation Technique for Latch Type Sense Amplifier in High Speed Low Power SRAMs, IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems, pp. 652–657, 2004.
H. J. Singh, Saumitra, S. , Singh, V. R. , Sikdar, S. K. , Jayaprakash, B. , and Ghosh, A. , Circular Differential Two-Photon Luminescence from Helically Arranged Plasmonic Nanoparticles, ACS Photonics, vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 863–868, 2016.
J. Singh, Rajanna, K. , Umapathi, B. , Nayak, M. M. , and Nagachenchaiah, K. , MEMS based microactuator for microjet applications, in Sensors, 2011 IEEE, 2011, pp. 1129-1132.
J. Haobijam Singh, Nair, G. , Ghosh, A. , and Ghosh, A. , Wafer scale fabrication of porous three-dimensional plasmonic metamaterials for the visible region: chiral and beyond, Nanoscale, vol. 5, pp. 7224–7228, 2013.
J. Singh, Jadhav, S. , Avasthi, S. , and Sen, P. , Designing Photocatalytic Nanostructured Antibacterial Surfaces: Why Is Black Silica Better than Black Silicon?, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, vol. 12, pp. 20202–20213, 2020.
