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S. Patil, Venkatesh, C. , Bhat, N. , and Pratap, R. , Voltage Controlled Oscillator using Tunable MEMS Resonator, International Journal of Computational Engineering Science, vol. 4, 2003.
A. Pogrebnyakov, Redwing, J. M. , Raghavan, S. , Vaithyanathan, V. , Schlom, D. G. , Xu, S. Y. , Li, Q. , Tenne, D. A. , Soukiassian, A. , Xi, X. X. , Johannes, M. D. , Kasinathan, D. , Pickett, W. E. , Wu, J. S. , and Spence, J. C. H. , Increasing Superconducting Transition Temperature in MGB2 by Strain Induced Bond-Stretching Mode Softening, Physical Review Letters, vol. 93, pp. 147006–1–4., 2004.
L. Venugopala Pooyath, Sai, R. , Chandorkar, Y. , Basu, B. , Shivashankar, S. A. , and Ghosh, A. , Conformal Cytocompatible Ferrite Coatings Facilitate the Realization of a Nano-voyager in Human Blood, Nano Letters, vol. 14, 2014.
D. Kumar Pradhan, Yadav, N. , Rath, P. Kishore, and Ghosh, A. , Trapping Multielectron Bubbles Using a Point Paul Trap, Journal of Low Temperature Physics, pp. 1–8, 2021.
D. Pradhan, Neeramoole, S. , Yadav, N. , and Ghosh, A. , Using a cylindrical piezoelectric transducer to focus ultrasound in superfluid helium, The European Physical Journal Special Topics, pp. 1–7, 2023.
C. Shekhar Prajapati and Bhat, N. , Highly Sensitive CO Sensor Based on Thickness-Selective ZnO Thin Film: Device Fabrication and Packaging, Crystal Research and Technology, vol. 54, p. 1800241, 2019.
C. Shekhar Prajapati, Benedict, S. , and Bhat, N. , An ultralow power nanosensor array for selective detection of air pollutants, Nanotechnology, vol. 31, p. 025301, 2019.
C. Shekhar Prajapati and Bhat, N. , ppb level detection of NO 2 using a WO 3 thin film-based sensor: material optimization, device fabrication and packaging, RSC Advances, vol. 8, pp. 6590–6599, 2018.
C. S. Prajapati, Visser, D. , Anand, S. , and Bhat, N. , Honeycomb type ZnO nanostructures for sensitive and selective CO detection, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, vol. 252, pp. 764–772, 2017.
C. Shekhar Prajapati, Soman, R. , Rudraswamy, S. B. , Nayak, M. , and Bhat, N. , Single Chip Gas Sensor Array for Air Quality Monitoring, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 26, pp. 433–439, 2017.
R. Prakash, Vikram, B. S. , and Supradeepa, V. R. , Enhancing the efficacy of Noise Modulation for SBS suppression in High Power, Narrow Linewidth Fiber Lasers by the incorporation of Sinusoidal Modulation, IEEE Photonics Journal, 2021.
P. Prakash and Varma, M. , Specificity of Biomarker Detection in Microfluidic Sensors, 2020.
P. Prakash, Abdulla, A. Z. , and Varma, M. , Contact Force Mediated Rapid Deposition of Colloidal Microspheres Flowing over Microstructured Barriers, Langmuir, 2021.
P. Prakash, Abdulla, A. Z. , Singh, V. , and Varma, M. , Tuning the torque-speed characteristics of the bacterial flagellar motor to enhance swimming speed, Physical Review E, vol. 100, p. 062609, 2019.
R. Prakash, Choudhury, V. , Arun, S. , and Supradeepa, V. R. , Pump Wavelength Flexible, Continuous-Wave Fiber Supercontinuum Using Two-Stage Spectral Broadening, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 33, pp. 31–34, 2020.
P. Prakash, Abdulla, A. Z. , and Varma, M. , Rapid accumulation of colloidal microspheres flowing over microfabricated barriers, arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.13204, 2020.
R. Prakash, Vikram, B. S. , Nagarjun, K. P. , Selvaraja, S. Kumar, and Supradeepa, V. R. , Power and Bandwidth Scaling of Electro-Optic Frequency Comb using Cascaded Four-Wave Mixing in a loop augmented by Tailored Optical Feedback, in CLEO: Science and Innovations, 2018.
P. Prakash, Pahal, S. , and Varma, M. , Fluorescence Recovery after Photobleaching in Ultrathin Polymer Films, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, vol. 219, p. 1700543, 2018.
P. Prakash and Varma, M. , A Pedagogical Introduction to Biomarker Detection in Surface-Based Biosensors, Journal of Chemical Education, vol. 99, pp. 3694–3701, 2022.
P. Prakash, Abdulla, A. Z. , Singh, V. , and Varma, M. , Swimming statistics of cargo-loaded single bacteria, arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.12070, 2020.
R. Prakash, Vikram, B. S. , Nagarjun, K. P. , and Supradeepa, V. R. , Tailored optical feedback for bandwidth scaling and spectral equalization of high repetition rate electro-optic frequency combs, OSA Continuum, vol. 3, pp. 3280–3288, 2020.
P. Prakash and Varma, M. , Trapping/Pinning of colloidal microspheres over glass substrate using surface features, Scientific reports, vol. 7, p. 15754, 2017.
P. Prakash, Pahal, S. , and Varma, M. , Macromol. Chem. Phys. 7/2018, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, vol. 219, p. 1870019, 2018.
R. Prakash, Vikram, B. S. , and Supradeepa, V. R. , Polarization maintaining, narrow linewidth fiber laser with> 1kW output power using a novel dual sine and noise modulation for enhanced SBS suppression, in Fiber Lasers XVIII: Technology and Systems, 2021.
P. Prakash, Abdulla, A. Z. , Singh, V. , and Varma, M. , Optimizing the cargo-carrying capacity of single bacteria, arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.01224, 2019.
