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S. Kumar, Pratiyush, A. Singh, Dolmanan, S. B. , Tripathy, S. , Muralidharan, R. , and Nath, D. N. , UV detector based on InAlN/GaN-on-Si HEMT stack with photo-to-dark current ratio> 107, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 111, p. 251103, 2017.
S. Kumar and Pratap, R. , Partitioning Design Space for Linear Tuning of Natural Frequencies in Planar Dynamic MEMS Structures, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol. 125, 2006.
P. Kumar, Sahana, D. , Chandrashekar, L. N. , Jeyaseelan, A. , Nayak, M. M. , Pratap, R. , and Pillai, G. , A Wide-Range Resonant Pressure Sensor With Enhanced Sensitivity Based On An Indirect Coupling Scheme, in 2024 IEEE 37th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 2024.
N. Kumar, Soni, H. , Ramaswamy, S. , and Sood, A. K. , Flocking at a distance in active granular matter, Nature Communications, vol. 5, p. 4688, 2014.
A. Kumar, Nambiar, S. , Kallega, R. , Ranganath, P. , Ea, P. , and Selvaraja, S. Kumar, High-efficiency vertical fibre-to-polymer waveguide coupling scheme for scalable polymer photonic circuits, Optics Express, vol. 29, pp. 9699–9710, 2021.
S. Kulkarni and Pratap, R. , Studies on the Dynamics of a Supercavitating Projectile, Applied Mathematics Modelling, vol. 24, 2000.
N. Krishnaswamy, Srinivas, T. , Rao, G. M. , and Varma, M. M. , Analysis of Integrated Optofluidic Lab-on-a-Chip Sensor Based on Refractive Index and Absorbance Sensing, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 13, pp. 1730-1741, 2013.
G. Krishnan, Kshirasagar, C. U. , Ananthasuresh, G. K. , and Bhat, N. , Micromachined High-Resolution Accelerometers, Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, vol. 87, 2007.
S. Krishnamurthy, Pandey, P. , Kaur, J. , Chakraborty, S. , Nayak, P. , Sadhanala, A. , and Ogale, S. B. , Organic-Inorganic Hybrid and Inorganic Halide Perovskites: Structural and Chemical Engineering, Interfaces and Optoelectronic Properties, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2020.
S. Krishnamoorthy, Nath, D. N. , Akyol, F. , Park, P. Sung, Esposto, M. , and Rajan, S. , Polarization-engineered GaN/InGaN/GaN Tunnel Diode, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 97, p. 203502, 2010.
R. Koushik, Kumar, S. , Amin, K. R. , Mondal, M. , Jesudasan, J. , Bid, A. , Raychaudhuri, P. , and Ghosh, A. , Correlated conductance fluctuations close to the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in ultra-thin NbN films, Physical Review Letters, vol. 111., 2013.
H. Shankar Kotian, KN, H. , Abdulla, A. , Singh, V. , and Varma, M. , United we stand, divided we fall: Response to antibiotics in a bacterial swarm, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, vol. 65, 2020.
H. S. Kotian, Harkar, S. , Joge, S. , Mishra, A. , Abdulla, A. Z. , Singh, V. , and Varma, M. M. , Delineating the active and passive components in bacterial swarming, arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.04357, 2019.
H. S. Kotian, Abdulla, A. Z. , Hithysini, K. N. , Harkar, S. , Joge, S. , Mishra, A. , Singh, V. , and Varma, M. M. , Active modulation of surfactant-driven flow instabilities by swarming bacteria, Physical Review E, vol. 101, p. 012407, 2020.
R. S. Kotesa, Joshi, K. R. , Ananthasuresh, G. K. , and Sen, P. , A novel high throughput microfluidic cell transit analyzer using air liquid interface as localized pressure sensor, in Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 2018 IEEE, 2018.
D. Korn, Palmer, R. , Yu, H. , Schindler, P. C. , Alloatti, L. , Baier, M. , Schmogrow, R. , Bogaerts, W. , Selvaraja, S. K. , Lepage, G. , Pantrouvaki, M. , Wouters, J. M. D. , Verheyen, P. , Van Campenhout, J. , Chen, B. , Baets, R. , Absil, P. , Dinu, R. , Koos, C. , Freude, W. , and Leuthold, J. , Silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) IQ modulator using the linear elctro-optic effect for transmitting 16QAM at 112 Gbit/s, Optics Express, vol. 21, pp. 13219–13227, 2013.
A. M. Kollaran, Joge, S. , Kotian, H. S. , Badal, D. , Prakash, D. , Mishra, A. , Varma, M. , and Singh, V. , Context-Specific Requirement of Forty-Four Two-Component Loci in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Swarming, iScience, vol. 13, pp. 305–317, 2019.
L. Ganapathi Kolla, Ding, Y. , Misra, D. , and Bhat, N. , Interface states reduction in atomic layer deposited TiN/ZrO2/Al2O3/Ge gate stacks, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, Nanotechnology and Microelectronics: Materials, Processing, Measurement, and Phenomena, vol. 36, p. 021201, 2018.
H. Kim, Nath, D. N. , Lu, W. , and Rajan, S. , Polarization-Engineered GaN-based Heterostructure for Normally-Off High Electron Mobility Transistors, Journal of Electronics Materials, vol. 42, pp. 10-14, 2012.
V. Khatri and Banerjee, G. , A 0.25-3.25-GHz Wideband CMOS-RF Spectrum Sensor for Narrowband Energy Detection, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, vol. PP, pp. 1-12, 2016.
V. Khatri and Banerjee, G. , A Mitigation Technique for Harmonic Downconversion in Wideband Spectrum Sensors, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 64, pp. 3226-3238, 2015.
V. Khatri and Banerjee, G. , Complex filter based spectrum sensor for narrowband detection over a wide sensing bandwidth, in Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (CONECCT), 2015 IEEE International Conference on, 2015, pp. 1-4.
K. K. Khanum, S., S. B. , and Ramamurthy, P. C. , Design and morphology control of a thiophene derivative through electrospraying using various solvent, RSC Advances" volume = "5, pp. 60419–60425, 2015.
A. Khanna, Subramanian, A. Z. , Häyrinen, M. , Selvaraja, S. K. , Verheyen, P. , Van Thourhout, D. , Honkanen, S. , Lipsanen, H. , and Baets, R. , Impact of ALD grown passivation layers on silicon nitride based integrated optics devices for very-near-infrared wavelengths, Optics Express, vol. 22, pp. 5684–5692, 2014.
U. Khandelwal, Sandilya, R. Satya, Rai, R. Kumar, Sharma, D. , Mahapatra, S. Rekha, Mondal, D. , Bhat, N. , Aetkuri, N. Phani, Avasthi, S. , Chandorkar, S. , and , , Large electro-opto-mechanical coupling in VO2 neuristors, Applied Physics Reviews, vol. 11, 2024.
