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K. V Kumar, Dhar, S. , Choudhury, T. H. , Shivashankar, S. A. , and Raghavan, S. , A predictive approach to CVD of crystalline layers of TMDs: The case of MoS 2, Nanoscale, vol. 7, pp. 7802–7810, 2015.
S. Kumar and Pratap, R. , Partitioning Design Space for Linear Tuning of Natural Frequencies in Planar Dynamic MEMS Structures, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol. 125, 2006.
N. Kumawat, Varma, M. , and Kumar, S. , Phase sensitive diffraction sensor for high sensitivity refractive index measurement, in Optical Diagnostics and Sensing XVIII: Toward Point-of-Care Diagnostics, 2018.
B. Kuyken, Ji, H. , Clemmen, S. , Selvaraja, S. K. , Safiouui, J. , Hu, H. , Pu, M. , Galili, M. , Jeppesen, P. , Morthier, G. , Massar, S. , Oxenlowe, L. K. , Roelkens, G. , and Baets, R. , Nonlinear properties of and nonlinear processing in hydrogenated amorphous silicon waveguides, Optics Express, vol. 19, pp. B146–B153, 2011.
B. Kuyken, Clemmen, S. , Selvaraja, S. K. , Bogaerts, W. , Van Thourhout, D. , Emplit, P. , Massar, S. , Roelkens, G. , and Baets, R. , On-chip parametric amplification with 26.5dB gain at telecom-communication wavelengths using CMOS-compatible hydrogenated amorphous silicon waveguides, Optics Letters, vol. 36., pp. 552–554, 2011.
S. KV, R, J. , S, S. , and Sikdar, S. K. , Small-world network topology of hippocampal neuronal network is lost in an in vitro glutamate injury model of epilepsy, Eur. J Neurosci, vol. 25, pp. 3276–3286, 2007.
C. G. Lakshmi and Supradeepa, V. R. , A novel detection mechanism for nonlinear distortions in ultrashort pulses transmitted through dynamic fiber optic links, in Frontiers in Ultrafast Optics: Biomedical, Scientific, and Industrial Applications XXIV, 2024.
M. R. Laskar, Ma, L. , K, S. K. , Park, P. Sung, Krishnamoorthy, S. , Lee, II, E. , Shao, Y. , Nath, D. N. , Lu, W. , Wu, Y. , and Rajan, S. , CVD of Single Crystal (0001) Oriented MoS2 Thin Film Over a Large Area, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 102, p. 252108, 2013.
M. Laskar, Nath, D. N. , Ma, L. , Lee, E. , Lee, C. H. , Kent, T. , Yang, Z. , Mishra, R. , Roldan, M. A. , Idrobo, J. - C. , Pantelides, S. T. , Pennycook, S. J. , Myers, R. , Wu, Y. , and Rajan, S. , p-type doping of MoS2 thin films using Nb, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 104, p. 092104, 2014.
R. Lathia and Sen, P. , Fabrication of Self-Sealed Circular Microfluidic Channels in Glass by Thermal Blowing Method, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 2021.
R. Lathia, Deshmukh, P. , Vinaya, V. , and Sen, P. , Coalescence of liquid marbles on oil-infused surface, Physics of Fluids, vol. 36, 2024.
R. Lathia, Reddy, B. Sankar, Modak, C. Dey, Nagpal, S. , and Sen, P. , Temperature-Responsive Microcapsules Manufactured by Promoting Controlled Cloaking with the Help of Micro/Nanoparticles, in 2023 IEEE 36th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 2023.
R. Lathia, Nampoothiri, K. Narayanan, Sagar, N. , Bansal, S. , Modak, C. Dey, and Sen, P. , Advances in Microscale Droplet Generation and Manipulation, Langmuir, 2023.
R. Lathia and Sen, P. , Sol-gel-derived nanoparticles coated liquid entities: liquid marbles, liquid plasticine, and flat interface, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2022.
E. W. Lee, Ma, L. , Nath, D. N. , Lee, C. H. , Wu, Y. , and Rajan, S. , Demonstration of 2D/3D p-MoS2/n-SiC junction, in 72nd Device Research Conference, 2014, pp. 79-80.
M. K. Lenka, Agrawal, A. , Khatri, V. , and Banerjee, G. , A Wide-Band Receiver Front-End with Programmable Frequency Selective Input Matching, in 2016 29th International Conference on VLSI Design and 2016 15th International Conference on Embedded Systems (VLSID), 2016, pp. 168-173.
S. - S. Li and Pillai, G. , Method for generating high order harmonic frequencies and MEMS resonator. 2022.
S. - S. Li, Ganesh, R. Hosur, Pillai, G. , and Chien-Hao, W. E. N. G. , Acceleration sensing structure and accelerometer. 2022.
E. J. W. List, Kim, C. - H. , Naik, A. , Scherf, U. , Leising, G. , Graupner, W. , and Shinar, J. , Interaction of singlet excitons with polarons in wide band-gap organic semiconductors: A quantitative study, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 64, p. 155204, 2001.
T. Liu, Sen, P. , and Kim, C. - J. , Characterization of Nontoxic Liquid-Metal Alloy Galinstan for Applications in Microdevices, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 21, pp. 443–450, 2012.
K. A. Lohar, P, V. K. , and Pratap, R. , Effect of Process Induced Variations on Performance Characteristics of a Dual Mass Vibratory MEMS Gyroscope, International Journal of Micro and Nano Systems, vol. 1, 2009.
R. M, B, A. , R, N. , and Sikdar, S. K. , Synconset waves and chains: spiking onsets in synchronous populations predict and are predicted by network structure, PLoS One, 2013.
R. M, B, A. , KV, S. , and Sikdar, S. K. , A study of epileptogenic network structures in rat hippocampal cultures using first spike latencies during synchronization events, Physical Biol, 2012.
L. Ma, Nath, D. N. , Lee, II, E. W. , Lee, C. Hee, Yu, M. , Aerhart, A. , Rajan, S. , and Wu, Y. , Epitaxial growth of large area single-crystalline few-layer {MoS}2 with high space charge mobility of 192 cm2/Vs, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 105, 2014.
M. MacKenzie, Chi, H. , Varma, M. , Pal, P. , Kar, A. , and Paterson, L. , Femtosecond laser fabrication of silver nanostructures on glass for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy, Scientific reports, vol. 9, pp. 1–13, 2019.
