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A. Chatterjee, Reddy, C. K. , and Ruina, A. , Persistent Passive Hopping and Juggling is Possible Even with Plastic Collisions, International Journal of Robotics Research, vol. 21, 2002.
A. Chatterjee, Yadav, S. , Sikdar, S. Kumar, and Selvaraja, S. Kumar, Compact ring resonator enhanced silicon metal-semiconductor-metal photodetector in SiN-on-SOI platform, Optics Express, vol. 28, pp. 33644–33655, 2020.
S. Chatterjee and Sikdar, S. K. , Corticosterone targets distinct steps of synaptic transmission via concentration specific activation of Mineralocorticoid and Glucocorticoid receptors, J Neurochem, 2013.
S. Chaturvedi, Saravanan, S. G. , Bhat, M. K. , Bhalke, S. , Badnikar, S. L. , Muralidharan, R. , and Koul, S. K. , Design and Electrical Characterization of Wafer-level Micro-package for GaAs-based RFMEMS Switches, IETE Journal of Research, vol. 59, 2013.
L. Chauhan, Gupta, S. , Jaiswal, P. , Bhat, N. , Shivashankar, S. A. , and Hughes, G. , Modification of metal–InGaAs Schottky barrier behaviour by atomic layer deposition of ultra-thin Al2O3 interlayers, Thin Solid Films, vol. 589, pp. 264–267, 2015.
S. Chaurasia, Chatterjee, A. , Selvaraja, S. , and Avasthi, S. , Infrared (IR) photoresistors based on recrystallized amorphous germanium films on silicon using liquid phase epitaxy, in Optical Sensing and Detection V, 2018.
C. Y. Cheng, Dangi, A. , Ren, L. , Tiwari, S. , Benoit, R. R. , Qiu, Y. , Lay, H. S. , Agrawal, S. , Pratap, R. , Kothapalli, S. - R. , and , , Thin Film PZT-Based PMUT Arrays for Deterministic Particle Manipulation, IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control, vol. 66, pp. 1606–1615, 2019.
T. H. Choudhury and Raghavan, S. , Anodization of sputtered metallic films: The microstructural connection, Scripta Materialia, vol. 105, pp. 18–21, 2015.
V. Choudhury, Arun, S. , and Supradeepa, V. R. , Fourier pulse shaper for high power fiber coupled lasers and supercontinuum sources, in Photonic Instrumentation Engineering VII, 2020.
S. Choudhury, Joshi, A. , Dasgupta, D. , Ghosh, A. , Asthana, S. , and Chatterjee, K. , 4D Printed Biocompatible Magnetic Composite for Minimally Invasive Deployable Structures, 2022.
V. Choudhury, Aparanji, S. , Prakash, R. , Balaswamy, V. , and Supradeepa, V. R. , Visible light flashes induced by pulsed stimulated Brillouin scattering in narrow-linewidth, high-power, near-IR fiber lasers, Journal of Optics, vol. 23, p. 075501, 2021.
A. Singh Chouhan, Jasti, N. Prathibha, Hadke, S. , Raghavan, S. , and Avasthi, S. , Large grained and high charge carrier lifetime CH3NH3PbI3 thin-films: implications for perovskite solar cells, Current Applied Physics, vol. 17, pp. 1335–1340, 2017.
A. Singh Chouhan, Athresh, E. , Ranjan, R. , Raghavan, S. , and Avasthi, S. , BaBiO3: A potential absorber for all-oxide photovoltaics, Materials Letters, vol. 210, pp. 218–222, 2018.
T. A. Chowdary and Banerjee, G. , An integrated X-band FMCW radar transceiver in 130-nm CMOS technology, in 2015 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference (IMaRC), 2015, pp. 151-154.
S. Clemmen, Perret, A. , Selvaraja, S. K. , Bogaerts, W. , Van Thourhout, D. , Baets, R. , Emplit, P. , and Massar, S. , Generation of correlated photons in hydrogenated amorphous silicon waveguides, Optics letters, vol. 35, pp. 3483–3485, 2010.
S. Dana and Varma, M. M. , Gas-Selective Signal Amplification in Fluctuation-Based Graphene FET Sensors, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 16, pp. 6533-6536, 2016.
S. Dana and Varma, M. M. , Gas-Selective Signal Amplification in Fluctuation-Based Graphene FET Sensors, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 16, pp. 6533–6536, 2016.
A. Dangi, Roy, K. , Agrawal, S. , Chen, H. , Ashok, A. , Wible, C. , Osman, M. , Pratap, R. , and Kothapalli, S. - R. , A modular approach to neonatal whole-brain photoacoustic imaging, in Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2020, 2020.
A. Dangi, Agrawal, S. , Tiwari, S. , Jadhav, S. , Cheng, C. , Datta, G. Ramesh, Trolier-McKinstry, S. , Pratap, R. , and Kothapalli, S. - R. , Ring PMUT array based miniaturized photoacoustic endoscopy device, in Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2019, 2019.
A. Dangi, Cheng, C. , Agrawal, S. , Tiwari, S. , Datta, G. Ramesh, Benoit, R. , Pratap, R. , Trolier-McKinstry, S. , and Kothapalli, S. - R. , A Photoacoustic Imaging Device using Piezoelectric Micromachined Ultrasound Transducers (PMUTs), IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 2019.
D. Dasgupta and Sikdar, S. K. , Calcium permeable AMPA receptor-dependent long lasting plasticity of intrinsic excitability in fast spiking interneurons of the dentate gyrus decreases inhibition in the granule cell layer, Hippocampus, vol. 25, pp. 269–285, 2015.
D. Dasgupta, Peddi, S. Srinivas, Saini, D. K. , and Ghosh, A. , Implantation and retrieval of magnetic nanobots for treatment of endodontic re-infection in human dentine, 2021.
D. Dasgupta, Pally, D. , Saini, D. Kumar, Bhat, R. , and Ghosh, A. , Nanorobots as sensors for cancer microenvironment, ScienceOpen Posters, 2020.
D. Dasgupta, Pally, D. , Saini, D. Kumar, Bhat, R. , and Ghosh, A. , Nanomotors Sense Local Physicochemical Heterogeneities in Tumor Microenvironments, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2020.
D. Dasgupta, Pally, D. , Saini, D. K. , Bhat, R. , and Ghosh, A. , Nanorobots Sense Local Physicochemical Heterogeneities of Tumor Matrisome, 2020.
