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Found 808 results
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K. S. Abedin, Fini, J. M. , Taunay, T. F. , Supradeepa, V. R. , Yan, M. F. , Zhu, B. , Bansal, L. K. , Monberg, E. M. , and DiGiovanni, D. J. , Multicore Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers for Space Division Multiplexing Systems, Journal of Lightwave Technology , vol. 32, no. 16, pp. 2800–2808, 2014.
K. S. Abedin, Taunay, T. F. , Fishteyn, M. , DiGiovanni, D. J. , Supradeepa, V. R. , Fini, J. M. , Yan, M. F. , Zhu, B. , Monberg, E. M. , and Dimarcello, F. V. , Cladding-pumped erbium-doped multicore fiber amplifier, Optics Express, vol. 20, no. 18, pp. 20191–20200, 2012.
J. D. Acord, Raghavan, S. , Snyder, D. W. , and Redwing, J. M. , In-situ Stress Measurements During MOCVD Growth of High Al-content AlGaN on SiC, Journal of Crystal Growth, vol. 272, pp. 65–71, 2004.
M. Agrawal, Jain, A. , Rao, D. V. Sridhar, Pandeya, A. , Goyala, A. , Kumara, A. , Lambaa, S. , Mehta, B. R. , Muraleedharan, K. , and Muralidharan, R. , Nanoharvesting of GaN nanowires on Si 211 substrates by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy, Journal of Crystal Growth, vol. 402, 2014.
B. Ahmad and Pratap, R. , Analytical Evaluation of Squeeze Film Forces in a CMUT with Sealed Air-filled Cavity, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 11, pp. 2426-2431, 2011.
B. Ahmad and Pratap, R. , The effect of evacuated backside cavity on the dynamic characteristics of a capacitive micromachined ultrasound transducer, International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics, vol. 2, pp. 50-54, 2010.
B. Ahmad and Pratap, R. , Elasto-Electrostatic Analysis of Circular Microplates Used in Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 10, pp. 1767–1773, 2010.
F. Akyol, Nath, D. N. , Krishnamoorthy, S. , Park, P. Sung, and Rajan, S. , Suppression of Electron Overflow and Efficiency Droop in N-polar GaN Green LEDs, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 100, p. 111118, 2012.
F. Akyol, Nath, D. N. , Gur, E. , Park, P. Sung, Ringel, S. A. , and Rajan, S. , N-polar III-Nitride Green (540 nm) Light Emitting Diode, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics B, vol. 50, p. 052101, 2011.
G. K. Ananthasuresh, Mechanical solutions to problems in microsystems, in Physics and Technology of Sensors (ISPTS), 2012 1st International Symposium on, 2012, pp. 1-1.
G. K. Ananthasuresh, Vinoy, K. J. , Gopalakrishnan, S. , Bhat, K. N. , and Aatre, V. K. , Micro and Smart Systems. John Wiley & Co, 2010.
S. M. Ankolekar and Sikdar, S. K. , Early Postnatal Exposure to Lithium In Vitro Induces Changes in AMPAR mEPSCs and Vesicular Recycling at Hippocampal Glutamatergic Synapses, J Biosci, vol. 40, pp. 339–54, 2015.
S. Aparanji, Arun, S. , Balaswamy, V. , and Supradeepa, V. R. , Visible light generation in the cladding of optical fibers carrying near-infrared continuous-wave lasers due to Cherenkov-phase matched harmonic conversion, Optics Letters, vol. 45, pp. 993–996, 2020.
N. Arora and Naik, A. K. , Effect of internal resonance on the dynamics of MoS2 resonator, arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.10384, 2021.
N. Arora, Singh, P. , Kumar, R. , Pratap, R. , and Naik, A. , Mixed Nonlinear Response and Transition of Nonlinearity in a Piezoelectric Membrane, ACS Applied Electronic Materials, vol. 6, pp. 155–162, 2024.
A. Arora, Gopal, R. , Dwivedi, V. K. , Shekar, C. , Ahmad, B. , Pratap, R. , and George, P. J. , Fabricating Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers with Wafer Bonding Technique, Journal of Sensors & Transducers, vol. 93, pp. 15–20, 2008.
S. Arun and Supradeepa, V. R. , High power fiber lasers in the SWIR band using Raman lasers, CSI transactions on ICT, vol. 5, pp. 143–148, 2017.
S. Arun, Gehlot, V. , Aparanji, S. , and Supradeepa, V. R. , Tunable, CW visible laser sources by frequency doubling of broadly tunable Raman fiber lasers, in Nonlinear Frequency Generation and Conversion: Materials and Devices XIX, 2020.
V. T. Arun, Bhat, K. N. , Bhat, N. , and Hegde, M. S. , Fermi level de-pinning at the germanium schottky interface through sulfur passivation, Applied Physics Letters, 2010.
S. Arun, Choudhury, V. , Balaswamy, V. , and Supradeepa, V. R. , Octave-spanning, continuous-wave supercontinuum generation with record power using standard telecom fibers pumped with power-combined fiber lasers, Optics letters, vol. 45, pp. 1172–1175, 2020.
S. Avasthi, McClain, W. , Man, G. , Kahn, A. , Schwartz, J. , and Sturm, J. C. , Hole-Blocking Titanium-Oxide/Silicon Heterojunction and its Application to Photovoltaics, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 102, p. 203901, 2013.
S. Avasthi, Lee, S. , Loo, Y. L. , and Sturm, J. C. , Role of Majority and Minority Carrier Barriers Silicon/Organic Hybrid Heterojunction Solar Cells, Advanced Materials 23, vol. 5762, 2011.
S. Avasthi, Qi, Y. , Vertelov, G. , Schwartz, J. , Kahn, A. , and Sturm, J. C. , Silicon Surface Passivation by an Organic Overlayer of 9, 10-phenanthrenequinone, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 96, p. 222109, 2010.
S. Avasthi, Qi, Y. , Vertelov, G. , Schwartz, J. , Kahn, A. , and Sturm, J. C. , Electronic structure and band alignment of 9, 10-phenanthrenequinone passivated silicon surfaces, Surface Science, vol. 605, p. 1308, 2011.
R. Baby, Reshma, K. , Chandrasekar, H. , Muralidharan, R. , Raghavan, S. , and Nath, D. N. , Study of TaN-gated p-GaN E-mode HEMT, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 70, pp. 1607–1612, 2023.
